Swansong Fact File


GCSE Dance (swansong) Mindmap am Swansong Fact File, erstellt von Tamara Lancaster am 19/03/2016.
Tamara Lancaster
Mindmap von Tamara Lancaster, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tamara Lancaster
Erstellt von Tamara Lancaster vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Swansong Fact File
  1. Choreographer ; Christopher Bruce
    1. Music ; Philip Chambon
      1. Costume design; Christopher Bruce
        1. Lighting design; David Mohr
          1. Filmed in 1989 and was first shown on BBC2 in 1991
            1. 3 dancers - 2 guards/ interrogators and 1 victim
              1. About the interrogation of a prisoner by two guards
                1. Themes of the dance piece ;
                  1. Manipulation
                    1. Imprisonment
                      1. Swans
                        1. Interpreted it as the meaning of ' freedom '
                        2. Commedia dell'arte
                          1. Humour in tragedy
                      2. Section 1; Questioning and aggression// Section 2;Humiliation , being friendly// Section 3;Isolation ( interrogators leave the prisoner alone)// Section 4;Aggression in slow-motion , teasing //Section 5;Isolation (leaving prisoner alone again )// Section 6; Aggression with implied weapons// Section 7; Leaving prisoner alone - release/freedom
                        1. Types of dance
                          1. Tap
                            1. Contemporary
                              1. Ballroom
                                1. Ballet
                                  1. Music hall / Vaudeville
                                    1. Used for the guards movements - old fashioned , used canes , soft shoe shuffle (tap dancing without tap shoes!)
                                  2. They used Jazz shoes NOT soft tap shoes
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