Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Treating Abnormality
- Biological therapies
- Psychosurgery-systematically damaging brain Frontal
lobotomy-schizophrenia;cut pathways between
higher+lower centres of brain/waggling scalpel up+down
- Eval
- So rare-hard to judge effectiveness With
schizophrenia it only targeted symptoms+
at best made patients manageable
- Major ethical issues, brain damage is
irreversible+consequences unpredictable
+patient may not be able to give consent
- Electroconvulsive therapy-passing current
through brain causing seizures We don't know
how it works (likely to effect neurotransmitters)
- Evaluation
- Muscle relaxant drugs prevent convulsions
but it's still a violent assault on the brain+
some cases cause memory impairment
- Only recommended for severely depressed
people, though they may not fully grasp the
nature+consequences=no consent
- Can be effective
- Drugs
- Schizophrenia(hallucinations delusions+loss of
insight+contact with reality) Laborit suggested
chlorpromazine (normally used as sedative)
- It reduced some symptoms
(hallucinations delusions+thought
disorder) It overtook frontal lobotomy
- It was found; this+other antipsychotics
reduce dopamine activity, linking
schizophrenia to high levels of dopamine
- Other drugs shown to be as effective
but fewer side effects such as clozapine
(it also acts on other neurotransmitters)
- Evaluation of drug treatment for schizophrenia
- Effective for only 50-60%
- Doesn't cure disorder
=drug treatment is for life
- Bad side effects Eg movement
disorders/lowers WBC's
- Patients can't give consent
- As we know more about drug action
=contributes to understanding of disorder
- Depression Treatment; monoamine-oxidase
inhibitors+tricyclic antidepressants Both
raise levels of serotonin+noradrenaline
- This has lead to monoamine theory
of depression-relates depression to
low levels of serotonin+noradrenalin
- Both can have bad side effects;
MAOI interacts bad with some
food +tricyclics-heart problems
- New antidepressant;selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRI) Eg Prozac=raises serotonin (more effective+safer)
- Evaluation
- Can be effective (only for 60-70%
30% respond to placebo)
- Don't cure depression; doesn't change daily stressors/cognitive biases
- Psych+physical dependance with long
use (people think they need to keep
taking or brain becomes adjusted to them
- Side effects
- May be unable to give consent
- As we know more of antidepressants=contributes
to development of biological models of depression
- Other drug groups; anti-anxiety (from group
called benzodiazepines+can cause dependance
+side effects)+Lithium (for bipolar depression)
- Evaluation of drug therapy
- Effective for some disorders
- Only treats symptoms+are reductionist;
ignores cognitive emotional etc
- Side effects+dependance
- Can lead to stigmatism as patient is
labelled as shizophrenic etc
- Psychodynamic approach; adult neuroses Eg
depression is rooted in early experiences They
are protected by these conflicts by ego defence
- Free association Express anything Each incident
may lead to other thoughts/memories=ego defence
mechanisms may lower-repressed material accessed
- Dream analysis Symbolic images reflect
unconscious material Wish fulfillment too
threatening to be acknowledged=distorted
- To understand meanings=assumptions; 1content that
can be recalled-manifest content 2latent content-
meaning behind manifest content 3 dream work
- Dream work is the process that latent
content gets distorted into manifest content
through symbolism and displacement
- Projective tests allow client to impose their
thoughts on some particular stimulus material=ink
blot test(asked what shapes means to them)
- Evaluation
- These theories accept humans are complicated
- Therapy can be long lasting=expensive
- Depend on client having insight
- Need insight=unsuitable for some
disorders Eg schizophrenia
- Ethical issues as a result of bringing up distressing material
- Behavioural approach; alter
behaviour using conditioning
- Behaviour therapy is based on classical conditioning and
involves systematic desensitisation, flooding+aversion therapy
- Flooding; inescapable exposure to feared object/situation until
fear disappears Assumes high levels of fear+anxiety can't be
sustained+will fall If it ends too soon-may have opposite affect
- Highly threatening+stressful but quick
- Systematic desensitisation, a form of counter
conditioning Therapist attempts to replace fear
response with harmless response Hierarchy of fears
- Therapist trains client in deep relaxation techniques (the harmless response),
Visualise least feared situation+relax When relaxed=next situation Eventually-
can cope with most feared (can go back+start again at a certain level)
- Aversion therapy aims to associate undesirable behaviour with an unpleasent stimulus Eg in the
past gay men have been shown pictures of naked men while given an electric shock-no evidence
to suggest it worked Now it is used for addicts, smoking is associated with feeling sick
- Eval; Assumes behaviour is learned through simple conditioning principles,
there is no attempt to address deeper psych issues, they focus on symptoms
not underlying causes Can be effective when treating phobias Ethical issues
- Behaviour modification based on operant conditioning This attempts to
alter voluntary behaviour rather than reflexive behaviour
- Token economy used in institutions Eg psychiatric hospitals Tokens given as rewards for good
behaviour They can then be exchanged for sweets cigarettes etc It modify's behaviour+doesn't
targeting symptoms Eg with a schizophrenic but once released effects may reverse
- Social learnign theory has a cognitive element When a model is rewarded
for a behaviour the obserever=more likely to imitate Eg a phobic person
can observing a model coping effectively with a phobic situation
- Token economy has been affective way of improving anti-social behaviour+works in a structured
institution but not for the outside world Unethical to treat patients as stimulus-response machines
Social learning involves cognitive processes Both ignore biological/genetic aspects
- Cognitive approach/cognitive behavioural
therapy; to challenge irrational thought processes
- Beck's cognitive therapy 1976; to challenge irrational cognitions+replace them with a
more realistic appraisals by identifying -ive thoughts (with a diary)+challenging
dysfunctional cognitions (drawing attention to +ive incidents) This is reality testing
- Also using behavioural techniques to encourage +ive behaviour Eg set
list of small goals to develop sense of personal effectiveness Another
aspect may be training in problem solving skill or elaxation techniques
- Ellis's rational-emotive behavioural therapy (REBT) People maintain -ive+self-defeating beliefs by
telling themselves how inadequate they are +looking for confirming evidence=tharapist helps
identify situations+ -ive reactions to them; rationalise it for a realistic view This may occur in intense
debates Both Beck+Ellis's approach involves helping client to deal with depressive realisms as well
- Eval; CBT is structured but acknowledges complex cognitive processes Important that therapist
acknowledges that depression can be based on accurate perceptions of reality Effective for
depression Less effective for other disorders though it may be beneficial for them Ignores biological
factors Schemata lacks detail Less time consuming+cost effective Avoids stressful indepth probing
- Effectiveness of therapies
- The most important feature
is whether they work or not
- To compare therapies in 1 study=reliable However, large numbers required (all
diagnosed with same disorder at same level of severity) careful assessment
needed of patients before+after, length of study decided, should be a placebo
/control group(effective therapy should show improvement above this group)
- Elkin et al 1989
- Davidson et al 2004
- Meth issues P's should have the same age gender severity of disorder etc
Length of study should be sufficient for treatment There should be a
non-treated group Measures of improvement should be consistent+thorough
- Eth issues; consent, avoid psych harm debriefing etc Non-treated groups are denied help No
therapy seems to be the best but there can be a treatment that is most appropriate if we
consider accessibility+speed of action (drugs) duration of action+ethical issues (side effects)