Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Classics - City life in the Classical
World: Option 2 - Rome (OCR)
- State Gods and Godesses
- Jupiter
- Sky, King of the Gods and lightning
- Neptune
- Sea, Horses and Storms
- Mercury
- Messenger
- Mars
- War
- Pluto
- Underworld
- Apollo
- Archery and the sun
- Juno
- Marriage and Queen of the Gods
- Venus
- Love and Beauty
- Minerva
- Wisdom
- Diana
- The Hunt and wild animals
- Vesta
- Hearth
- Ceres
- Crops
- Temples
- Religious and other functions: the position of the altar, the cult statue, use by worshippers.
- Sacrifice
- Its purpose, surroundings, officials, animals, the ritual from the selection of the animal to the
disposal of the remains.
- Life in the Home
- The role of the paterfamilias: his rights over family members and slaves, his involvement in the
education of his son, duties connected with religion, family finance; his responsibilities towards his
- The wife: status, rights and duties, daily activities, spinning and weaving, the supervision of slaves,
the wife as mother.
- The dinner party (cena): the organisation, guests, entertainment, purposes
- Slaves: ways to become a slave, skilled and unskilled slaves, the purchasing of slaves, duties inside
and outside the home for both male and female slaves, opportunities for freedom.
- Education
- The education of boys and girls in preparation for their adult roles.
- Subjects studied at the schools of the litterator, grammaticus and rhetor; school equipment (stilus,
wax tablet, pen, ink, papyrus)
- Typical Day at the Colosseum
- The Colosseum: the arena, size, access, seating, structure
- Animal shows: types of animal, the bestiarius, men versus animals, performing animals, fights
between animals, hunts.
- Executions.
- Gladiator shows: origins as funerary honours, types of gladiator; retiarius, secutors (samnite,
myrmillo), armour, weaponry, typical training for fights (ludi gladiatorii), oaths, status.
- Audience involvement.
- The significance of the shows for both the Emperor and his citizens.
- Typical Day at the Race
- The Circus Maximus: the day’s events. The arena, its structure, size, the seating, the track, the spina,
the metae, the carceres.
- The teams and colours, the dangers, the status of charioteers and horses, public attitudes, audience
involvement, betting, the social significance of such events.