Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- As the war in Cyprus is
postponed, it is said that the
real war happens within the
mind. 'Othello' is an extended
war allegory - Iago's
machinations are the strategic
planning of a general, individual
victories are minor battles and
the three deaths are casualties
of the physical combat
- 'Though I do hate him as I do
hell pains, yet, for necessity
of present life, I must show
out a flag and sign of love—
which is indeed but sign'
- Uses war language
- 'show out a flag' as a sign of
his loyalty towards Othello
- 'The tyrant custom, most grave senators, hath
made the flinty and steel couch of war my
thrice-driven bed of down. I do agnize a
natural and prompt alacrity I find in hardness,
and do undertake these present wars against
the Ottomites. Most humbly therefore
bending to your state, I crave fit disposition
for my wife. Due reference of place and
exhibition, with such accommodation and
besort as levels with her breeding'
- Othello puts aside his
marriage to Desdemona to
almost instantaneously head
to war. This suggests that he
prioritises his military
expertise over his relationship
- Othello refers to
Desdemona as his
'fair warrior'
- This is ironic because
Desdemona was
permitted from
actually going to battle
in the war and so was
not able to become an
actual 'warrior' BUT...is
Othello referring to her
as a 'warrior' because
she stuck up for
herself against her
- 'Behold, I have a
weapon. A better
never did itself
sustain upon a
soldier's thigh'
- Othello's choice
of war language
within this quote
sounds blatantly
phallic, forging a
between sex and
- 'The rites for which I love him
are bereft me and I a heavy
interim shall support by his dear
absence. Let me go with him'
- Desdemona's plea to go with Othello to
Cyprus in the war shows her adventurous
side. However, the decline shows how
women were permitted from battle as
they were the inferior gender, incapable
of doing the things men could do