Zusammenfassung der Ressource
GCSE AQA Physics 1
Heat Transfer
- Types of heat transfer
- Radiation - IR radiation absorbed/emitted by all objects
- Object hotter than surroundings - emits
more radiation than it absorbs (cools down)
- Object cooler than surroundings - absorbs
more radiation than it emits (warms up)
- Depends on colour & texture of material
- DARK, MATT surfaces
absorb/emit better than
LIGHT, SHINY surfaces
- Solar hot water panels:
- Water pipes under black surface
- Radiation absorbed to heat pipes
- Water can be used for washing/radiators
- Convection - in liquids/gases
- More energetic particles move
from hotter to cooler region &
take heat energy with them
- Convection currents are about CHANGES in DENSITY
- Conduction - in solids
- Vibrating particles pass
on extra kinetic energy to
neighbouring particles
- Faster in denser solids, particles closer
- Metals are good conductors - free
electrons transfer energy faster
- Kinetic Theory
- SOLIDS - strong forces of
attraction, fixed shape, only
vibrate in fixed position
- LIQUIDS - weaker forces,
particles close together,
irregular, have more energy
- GASES - almost no forces, more
energy, free to move, random
directions, high speeds
- Condensation/Evaporation
- Condensation - Gas -> Liquid
- Gas cools, particles slow down,
pulls them closer together
- Rate of condensation faster if...
- Temperature of gas is lower
- Temperature of surface gas touches is lower
- Density is higher
- Airflow is less
- Evaporation - Liquid -> Gas
- Particles escape from liquid - can happen at lower than
boiling point if going in the right direction/fast enough
- Fastest are most likely to evaporate =
decrease in average speed (cools down)
- Rate of evaporation
faster if...
- Temperature is higher
- Density is lower
- SA is larger
- Airflow over liquid is greater
- Rate of heat transfer
- Bigger SA - more radiation
- Vacuum Flasks
- Vacuum between two walls -
stops conduction/convection
- Silver walls - less radiation
- Insulating foam - less conduction
- Stopper is plastic &
cork - less conduction
- Humans & animals
- Cold - hairs stand up, trap insulating layer of air
- Less convection
- Small ears. small SA, minimise heat loss by radiation