Mathematics: Core 3


A-level Maths (Core 3) Mindmap am Mathematics: Core 3, erstellt von declanlarkins am 20/01/2014.
Mindmap von declanlarkins, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von declanlarkins vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mathematics: Core 3
  1. Algebra and Functions
    1. Function
      1. Domain
        1. Range
          1. One-one
            1. Inverse
              1. Composition
                1. Graphs
                  1. Transformations
                    1. Composition of transformations
                    2. Modulus


                      • The modulus of a number is its magnitude or size, irrespective of if it has a plus or minus sign. For example,  mod(-6) = mod (+6) = 6
                      • You also get graphs of modulus functions. The graph of f(x) is turned into the graph of mod (f(x)) by reflecting all the bits below the x-axis in the x-axis.


                      1. Solving equations and inequalities
                      2. Exponentials and logarithms
                        1. Graphs
                          1. Growth and decay
                        2. Trigonometry
                          1. Inverse trig functions
                            1. Graphical relationship to trig functions
                            2. Sec, Cosec, Cot
                              1. Solving equations for any angle
                              2. Identities
                              3. Differentiation and Integration
                                1. Derivatives of exponential and logarithms
                                  1. Chain rule
                                    1. Product rule
                                      1. Quotient rule
                                        1. dy/dx = 1/ (dx/dy)
                                          1. Integrate exponentials and 1/x
                                            1. Integrate with linear substitution
                                              1. Volume of revolution
                                              2. Numerical Methods
                                                1. Roots of equations
                                                  1. Graphically
                                                    1. Sign change
                                                    2. Iterative formulae
                                                      1. Simpson's rule
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