Zusammenfassung der Ressource
the multi store model of memory
- the multi store model MSM
- Atkinson & Shiffrin
- describes how info flows through the memory system
- memory is made up of 3 stores linked by processing
- what it's made up of...
- sensory register
- a stimulus from the environment
passes into the sensory register
- there is a store for each sense
- 2 main
- iconic
- eyes
- echoic
- ears
- duration
- less than half a second
- capacity
- high
- millions of cells e.g. in eye
- short term memory
- limited capacity store - only
remember a few things before
you forget
- capacity
- 7 + - 2
- coded acoustically
- duration
- 30 seconds
- long term memory
- permanent memory store for rehearsed info
- has to be retrieved back to stm to 'view' it
- capacity
- unlimited
- duration
- many years
- coded semantically
- evaluation
- supporting research
- supports that stm & ltm are qualitatively different
- Baddeley
- mix up words that sound similar using stm
- mix up words with similar meaning using ltm
- clearly shows coding
- stm = acoustically
- ltm = semantic
- more than one type of stm
- MSM - one type of stm
- Shallice & Warrington
- studied someone with amnesia
- stm for digits poor when read out loud
- but better when saying in head
- so one store for visual and one for sound
- more than one type of rehearsal
- MSM says amount of rehearsal you do is what counts
- however Craik & Watkins
- 2 types of rehearsal
- maintenance rehearsal (described by MSM)
- rehearses but doesn't move to ltm
- elaborative rehearsal
- link info to existing knowledge or it has a deep meaning
- evaluation +
- artificial material
- lots of research to
support MSM are from
things that have no
- how does it work in everyday
- more than one type of ltm
- one to store facts and another to
do practical things like ride a bike