Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Health lacks in Asia and Africa
- The poor populations in countries like Asia and Africa
- Risk of food shortage
- A proper sanitation system.
- Lack of drinking water
- Healthcare and medicine are prohibited for millions of people
- They do not have access to healthcare
that remains beyond their means.
- Some must save up for years before
being able to see a doctor or a specialist.
- The medicine's extreme prices of some pharmaceutical companies
compound the precarious situation of the populations at risk.
- Over 1/3 of the world population does not have access
to the medicines essential to their health and survival.
- Because:
- The medicine's extreme prices of some pharmaceutical companies
compound the precarious situation of the populations at risk.
- Vaccination levels are very low.
- The problem of healthcare access in developing countries
- The incorrect manage of financial of the government
processes involved in obtaining resources necessary
to health mission:
- produce
- Important issues about health
lacks in all countries; like:
- Vaccination levels are very low.
- In 2009, 24 million children
from the poorest countries
did not have access to the
basic vaccines.
- The vaccination of these children could decrease the death rate of
children linked to infectious diseases by 45%.
- The vaccination of these children could decrease the death rate of
children linked to infectious diseases by 45%.
- These countries usually don’t have enough staff and healthcare
equipment to offer healthcare access to the most in need.
- The countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia only
count 1 doctor for over 2000 inhabitants
- Care cannot be given to everyone and many children die
because of a lack of health coverage or having waited too
long before undergoing examination or vital care.
- There are still 40% of mothers who give birth
without any medical assistance.
- There are still 40% of mothers who give birth
without any medical assistance.
- Many die leaving behind a new-born who will be 10 times
more at risk of dying before his fifth birthday.
- Low health coverage for mothers and children
- In poor regions, pregnancies and deliveries are often very risky for
the mother’s and the children’s health.
- Very few of them benefit from regular check-ups during their pregnancy and have no
information on their health status and that of their unborn child.
- Any complication during the pregnancy, which could have
been detected and treated with regular check-ups, can lead
to the death of the mother and/or the child.
- There are still 40% of mothers who give birth
without any medical assistance.
- Infectious diseases
- More frequent and serious issue
- Children suffering from malnutrition
and having no access to drinking water
- Failure of the healthcare system