Oliver Wendell Holmes


Soziogramm The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen
Mindmap von sissisylvester2, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sissisylvester2 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Oliver Wendell Holmes
  1. The West End Reaper
    1. Caped, Bat-like
      1. Jack Burke
        1. bodysnatcher
          1. Fanny Burke
            1. kills men to sell bodies to medical institution
            2. approached by the Reaper for help
          2. Mr Pratt
            1. The Nightwatch, arrogant, Squirrel-Moustache
            2. Mr. Lyons
              1. The Constable
              2. Dr. Nathaniel Berry
                1. The Housephysician, delivered Aurnia's Baby
                  1. 3. Victim of the Reaper
                  2. Dr. Chester Crouch
                    1. treating female patients before and after labour
                      1. Nurse Mary Robbins
                        1. 2. Victim of the Reaper
                        2. Nurse Agnes Poole
                          1. 1. Victim of the Reaper
                          2. Nurse Cabbott
                          3. Edward Kingston
                            1. arrogant
                            2. Charles Lackaway
                              1. Eliza Lackaway
                                1. Dr. Grenville's sister, Charles' mother
                                  1. wanted to pursue the study of medicine
                                  2. Dr. Aldous Grenville
                                    1. Charles' uncle, dean of the medical college
                                      1. Dr. Sherwood Welliver
                                        1. friend of Dr. Grenville
                                          1. The Welliver Twins: Gwendolyn & Kitty
                                      2. Norris Marshall
                                        1. farmboy, "New people"
                                        2. Rose Connolly
                                          1. Aurnia Tate
                                            1. Baby Margarete "Meggie"
                                              1. Hepzibah, the Wetnurse
                                            2. "Dim Billy"
                                            3. Eben Tate
                                              1. Gareth Wilson
                                                1. charged to find Meggie
                                              2. Dr. Sewall
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