Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- A period is used to note the end of a sentence.
- "We come to school from Monday to Friday."
- A comma is used to separate phrases or items in a list.
- "Yesterday I had dinner at a restaurant. We ate burgers with French fries, salad, orange juice and onion rings".
- "Last Sunday, there were nos lessons at school"
- Capital letters are used at the beginning of sentences and for names of:
places, people, months, holidays, days of the week, nationalities and titles.
- Places: "I went to Miami last year"
- Poeple: "My friend Mary is going to the hospital right now"
- Months: "We went camping last January"
- Holidays: "My sister is very romantic. She loves Valentine's Day"
- Days of the week: "We have art lessons on Tuesdays"
- Titles: "My favourite book is Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets"
- Nationalities: "I love eating Chinese food"
- A colon is used before a list.
- "I went to the supermakert to buy: milk, potatoes, cereals and carrots.