Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Types of insurance
- Personal insurance
- Medical insurance
- Personal accident
- Salary protection
- Travel insurance
- Life assurance
- Whole life
- Term assurance
- Endowment
- Motor
- 3rd party
- 3rd party fire and theft
- Fully comperhensive
- Property
- House insurance
- House and
contents/ all risks
- Protection against something
that might happen
- assurance
- Protection against
something that will happen
- Money to fix or replace an item that is
damaged or stolen
- Compensation is money that you get
from the insurance company when you
make a claim on your insurance
- Insurable/noninsurable risks
- not all items can be insured
- Insurable interest: you must benefit from its
existence and suffer from its loss
- There must me people wanting to insure against
the same thing
- The insurance company needs to be able to
calculate against the risk/chance of
something happening
- The amount of the loss should not be more than
the insurance company is able to pay
- The loss must be an accident not on purpose
- Non insurable risks
- Acts of nature
- white goods
- Businesses: products going out
of fashion/bankrupcy
- Exclusion causes
- The insurance company will not compensate you
for these things
- Key words
- Actuary: the person who calculates
the premium
- Assessor: the person who works
out how much compensation
should be paid
- No claims bonus:Money
off your premium for
not claiming your
- Premium:the amount of money you
pay for insurance
- Loading: extra charge added onto your insurance
as there is a higher risk
- Policy; the written contract of insurance , it
shows what is insured ,against what risk and
for how much
- Proposal form: application form for
- Methods
- Insurance company
- Insurance agent
- insurance broker
- Getting insurance
- fill in proposal form
- get insurance quote from
various companies
- when you choose, pay premium and they will
give you a policy
- keep safe
- Questions on a proposal form
- Car insurance: age,gender,car engine size,type of
license,years of accident free driving,penalty
points,value of car
- Life assurance: occupation,hobbies,medical
condition,smoker/drinker,history of illnesses
- House insurance:value of house,value of
contents,alarms,smoke detectors
- Principles of insurance
- Insurable interest
- utmost good faith
- always be honest and disclose all
material facts
- indemnity
- you are not to make a profit from
- contribution
- occurs when your
item is insured by
two insurance
companies you
cannot make
profit so they will
pay half each
- subrogation
- when you are
fully for an
ownership of
the item
transfers to the
- Average clause
- applies when you under insure something