C1.1 Fundamental Ideas


Mind map for Chemistry GCSE AQA C1.1 Fundamental ideas
 ELeanor Turner
Mindmap von ELeanor Turner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
 ELeanor Turner
Erstellt von ELeanor Turner vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

C1.1 Fundamental Ideas
  1. Atoms
    1. Make up elements
      1. Sorted into groups
        1. Periodic Table
          1. Groups contain elements with similar properties
          2. Elements are represented by a chemical symbol
          3. Have a small central nucleus
            1. Made up of protons and neutrons
              1. Protons have a +1 charge
                1. Neutrons have 0 charge
                  1. Number of protons/ electrons
                    1. Atomic number
                    2. Number of protons and neutrons
                      1. Mass number
                    3. Surrounded by electrons
                      1. Electrons have a -1 charge
                        1. Occupy energy shells
                          1. 2,8,8
                            1. Occupy the lowest available energy shell
                          2. Have no overall charge
                        2. Periodic Table
                          1. Elements in groups
                            1. Same number of electrons in highest energy level
                              1. Similar chemical properties
                              2. Group 0
                                1. Noble gases
                                  1. Unreactive
                                    1. Stable
                                      1. Full shells
                                2. Chemical Reactions
                                  1. Atoms join together
                                    1. Form compounds
                                      1. Give, take or share electrons
                                        1. Form ions
                                          1. From metals and non metals
                                          2. Form Molecules
                                            1. From non-metals
                                              1. Covalent bonds
                                          3. Represented by word or symbol equations
                                            1. Symbol equations might need to be balanced
                                            2. No atoms made or lost
                                              1. mass of products = mass of reactants
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