Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Our Legal system
- Civil law
- cases that involve a plaintiff suing another person for damages
- plaintiff the person filling the lawsuit
- defendant
- Administrative law
- is the body of law
that governs the
activities of
agencies of
- -North Carolina State Court System
- -US Federal Court System
- -Exclusionary rule
- Constitutional law
- cases over the constitution
- Gideon v. Wainwright
- Established right to a lawyer
- right to a lawyer, trial, speedy trial
- six amendment
- right to trial by jury
- mapp v. ohio
- Dollree Mapp was convicted of possessing obscene
materials after an admittedly illegal police search
of her home for a fugitive. She appealed her
conviction on the basis of freedom of expression.
- miranda v arizona
- involving custodial
interrogations. In each of these
cases, the defendant was
questioned by police officers,
detectives, or a prosecuting
attorney in a room in which he
was cut off from the outside
- miranda
- Gregg v. Georgia
- troy gregg been found guilty of
murder and armed robbery and
sentenced to death. He asked the
Court to go further than it had in the
Furman case, and rule the death
penalty itself unconstitutional.
- due process law
- bail
- libel
- Criminal law
- Misdemeanors
- Examples
- Larceny
- less serious crimes that are
punishable with less than 1
year in prison
- regulates social conduct
and proscribes whatever
is threatening, harmful,
or otherwise endangering
to the property, health,
safety, and moral welfare
of people
- felonies
- Examples
- Homicide
- robbery
- Burglary
- rape
- -search warrant
- Steps in Criminal Case
- Police Investigation
- Arrest, Booking
- Preliminary Hearing,
- Arraignment,
- Trial
- Verdict,
- Sentence
- death penalty