The American Dream: The pursuit


A novel unit on The American Dream
Molly McCormick
Mindmap von Molly McCormick , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Molly McCormick
Erstellt von Molly McCormick vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The American Dream: The pursuit
  1. Writing Assignments
    1. What is your definition of the American Dream? What is your dream?
      1. Research "The American Dream" What are the different American Dreams?
        1. What do you define as Success and Failure in life?
        2. Class Assignments
          1. Find songs/ lyrics that represent the pursuit of the American Dream
            1. In collaborative groups- Who do you think has reached the quintessential American Dream?
            2. Movies
              1. Fight Club
                1. American Beauty
                  1. Wolf of WallStreet
                  2. Project Based Learning
                    1. Civil Rights Museum field trip
                      1. Bring in community leaders for class talks
                        1. Text set
                          1. The Great Gatsby
                            1. The Death of a Salesman
                              1. A Raisin in the Sun
                                1. The Grapes of Wrath
                                  1. Of Mice and Men
                                    1. The Five People You Meet uin Heaven
                                      1. The Five People You Meet in Heaven
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