Religious attitudes to the elderly and death


Religious attitudes to the elderly and death Mindmap am Religious attitudes to the elderly and death, erstellt von jamievilliers am 20/04/2013.
Mindmap von jamievilliers, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jamievilliers vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Religious attitudes to the elderly and death
  1. idea that life is special or sacred
    1. measure of fulfilment; how good life is
      1. Senior citizen person over a certain age (in the UK it is 65)
        1. Ageism: prejudice against someone because of their age, leading to discrimination
          1. Retirement ending working life
            1. Care Home for the elderly
              1. home where elderly people go to live, and where they can be looked after
              2. Hospice a place for the dying, where they can have dignity whilst they die
                1. Hospital a place where people are treated for illness and accident
                  1. Life-support Machine
                    1. machine which keeps a person alive when their own organs are unable to do so
                    2. Death end of life; when there is no longer any brain stem activity, and organs cease to function on their own
                      1. Euthanasia
                        1. mercy killing; helping someone to die to ease suffering, out of compassion and with their agreement
                        2. Active Euthanasia: mercy killing (euthanasia) where the patient is killed before the illness kills them
                          1. Passive Euthanasia
                            1. mercy killing; euthanasia whereby medicines/treatment are removed so that the person will die more quickly from their illness
                            2. Life after death religious beliefs about what happens when we die
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