Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Online Clothing Retail Consumption by
Irish Male Customer
- Gender
- Gender identity
- Masculine
- Feminine
- Gender influenced consumer behaviour
- Retail sector
- Retail is Ireland's largest industry
- http://www.retailireland.ie/Sectors/RI/RI.nsf/vPages/Retail_in_Ireland~retail-at-a-glance?OpenDocument
- Affected by slow domestic demand
- http://www.thejournal.ie/retailers-turn-focus-to-online-operations-in-a-bid-to-tap-into-the-e4-1bn-market-923566-May2013/?r_dir_d=1
- Online retail market in Ireland is market with lots of potential
- Retailers turn focus to online operations in a bid to tap into the €4.1bn market
- Expected 4.1 billion euro market
- predicted to grow exponentially
- Ireland is the 5th most developed online market globally
- http://insightfulmedia.ie/index.php/online-shopping-and-the-future-of-online-retailing-in-ireland
- UPC’s recent report on Ireland’s Digital Future says that 2.6million Irish shoppers will spend €5.7
Billion online in 2016. If we want to channel this spend into the Economy and not out, Irish retailers
will need to quickly and cleverly develop a multi channel retailing strategy which works for them and
their customers.
- http://insightfulmedia.ie/index.php/online-shopping-and-the-future-of-online-retailing-in-ireland
- Aspects of clothing retail sector
- Physical stores
- Digital stores
- Websites
- Mobile phone apps
- Online via tablet
- Next generation wearables (watches, glasses etc)
- https://www.pwc.com/sg/en/publications/assets/total-retail-2015.pdf
- Ireland
- Irish born
- http://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/er/pme/populationandmigrationestimatesapril2015/
- Living in Ireland
- Non Irish-nationals from outside the EU continued to display strong migration flows, accounting for
30,400 (43.9%) of total immigrants and 17,700 (21.9%) of total emigrants. This resulted in estimated
net inward migration among non-Irish nationals from outside the EU of 12,700.
- http://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/er/pme/populationandmigrationestimatesapril2015/
- Limitation
- Research limited to online clothing retail sector
- Does not target the socially diverse amalgam of young crowd living in Ireland who are potential customers
- Comparison with other cultures (existing data)
- Chinese online consumption and factors affecting it
- Target group
- Age: 18-40
- 18-30
- College going/Working
- 30-40
- Working/College going
- Research Question
- Factors affecting online clothing retail consumption by Irish male consumers
- Sub-research question
- Comparative analysis between male consumers of Irish origin and male consumers not of Irish origin
- Perception of male consumers towards online clothing retail
- Analysis of existing online clothing retail culture in Ireland
- Research Philosophy
- Interpretivism
- Research Method
- Inductive
- Tools
- Questionnaire
- Focus groups