Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Luther's supporters
- Princes of Germany - Philip of Hesse and
Frederick the wise - had power and influence
over people which had a big impact on the
Reformation's success
- Frederick had been Luther's
only princely supporters in the
first 7 years
- Philip of Hesse was
converted to Lutheranism
in 1524 and was to be the
most dynamic of Lutheran
- Frederick kidnapped
Luther after the Diet of
Worms to make sure he
was safe from arrest
- they were important as they influenced
religion for people in the land
- power of princes led to formation
of two armed camps - League of
Schmalkaldic and Union of princes
to defend Protestantism
- In the cities, there was a high literacy rate,
compared to villages. Print was now seen as a
substitute for preaching
- more sophisticated people in cities
meant that there was more
understanding and acceptance of
Luther's messages
- people in the cities were
growing in political awareness
and were now independent
enough to decide religious
issues for themselves
- the cities were an influential
factor because it was where the
most intelligent people were
based and where the universities
and printing presses were
- Many peasants were illiterate and used woodcuts and images to
understand Luther's message. However, the Pope was often
portrayed as the Antichrist!
- There were many rebellions
among peasants as they
fought for freedom and fertile
- Peasants war reached its peak in the spring of 1525 with all of
southern Germany in turmoil. The uprising was one of many
reactions of dissatisfaction
- Luther claimed his message
had been misinterpreted by
the peasants and opposed
rebellion against the princes
- Although Luther didn't agree with what the peasants did, they
almost enforced Luther's views by initiating revolts and
reforming the system by force