Zusammenfassung der Ressource
types of long term memory (LTM)
- basics
- Tulving stated that the multi-store model was too simplistic
- he came up with the LTM
- episodic memory
- recall events from our past lives like a diary
- they are complex as:
- you remember when they 'time stamped'
- includes several elements: people, places, objects and behaviours
- you have to make a conscious effort to recall it
- semantic memory
- knowledge of the world - facts like an encyclopaedia
- they are not time stamped - less personal
- really broad range of subjects - constantly being added to
- procedural memory
- memory for actions, skills, things we do
- recall without conscious awareness
- for example how to drive a car
- evaluation
- clinical evidence
- case study - Henry Molaison (HM) and Clive Wearing
- episodic memory impaired due to amnesia
but semantic and procedural was okay
- couldn't remember past things
happening but still understood
meanings of words
- HM couldn't remember stroking a dog
and hour ago but could remember
what a dog is
- supports different memory stores as one can be affected but others still intact
- neuroimaging evidence
- brain scans sow different parts of the brain
working on different memory tasks
- Tulving - did PET sans on people doing different tasks
- episodic and semantic are in the same area but different hemisphere
- supports that there are physically different parts to memory.
- tests have been repeated and have found the same (increase validity)
- real life application
- identify different aspects of LTM to make
peoples life's better who have memory
- Belleville - found old people with mild
cognitive impairment could be improved by
helping the episodic memory
- knowing where it is means we can treat it
- evaluation +
- problems with clinical evidence
- for example in the Molaison and Wearing study there was a huge lack of control
- how reliable and valid is it - can it be generalised
- are there three types of LTM or just two
- Cohen and Squire
- procedural memory is real called the non-declarative memory
- but semantic and episodic are in one - called the declarative memory