Zusammenfassung der Ressource
External Factors, Ethnic Differences in Achievement
- Ethnic group
- People who share the same heritage,
culture, identity, often including the
same language and religion. Who see
themselves as a distinct group
- Cultural Deprivation
- Intellectual and linguistic Skills
- Bereiter and Englemann
- Language spoken by low-income Black
families is inadequate for educational success,
it is ungrammatical, disjointed and incapable of
abstract ideas
- The Swann Report
- Found language was not a major
factor in underachivement
- Bowker
- lack of standard English is a major
barrier to progress in education and
intergration into wider society
- Attitudes and Values
- Lack of motivation is a
major cause of failure of
many black students
- They are not
socialised into into
the mainstream
culture that instils
competition and
- Many black students are
socialised into fatalism and
immediate gratifacation
- Family Structure
and Parental
- Theorists argue that failure to
socialise children adequately
is a result of dysfunctional
family structures
- How does family structure explain
differences in EM achievement?
- Pryce
- Asians are higher achievers because they are more
resistant to racism and it gives them a greater sense of
self worth
- Black Caribbean pupils have a less cohesive
culture than Asian pupils and are less resistant
to racism, As a result they have low sef esteem
and under
- Female Headed Single
Parent Families
- Murray
- High rate of lone parenthood and lack of positive
male role models lead to under achievement of some
- Flew
- Ethnic differences in achievement stem from
cultural differences outside of the education
system, not discrimination within it
- Asian Families
- Khan
- Asian families are stress ridden, bound by tradition
and with a controlling attitude towards children,
especially girls
- Driver and Bollard
- Asian family structures bring
educational benefits, Asian
parents have more positive
attitudes toward education, have
higher asperations for children.
- Criticisms
- Keddie
- CD theory is a victim blaming theory. EM
students are culturally different, not deprived,
they underachieve as schools are
- Compensatory Education
- Tries to impose the dominant white culture on
students who already have their own coherent
- Material Deprivation
- Flaherty
- Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are 3x
more likely than whites to be in the
poorest 1/5 of the population
- Unemployment is 3x higher in Africans,
Bangladeshis and Pakistanis than for whites
- Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are more likely to
be home workers sometimes for as little as £1.50 per
- Swann Report
- Social class accounted for 50% of the
difference in educational achievement
between ethnic groups
- We must take class differences into account
when comparing EM educational achievement
or we may over estimate the impact of cultural
- Racism in Wider Society
- Rex
- shows how racial
leads to social
- In housing for instance the minorities are more likely
to be forced into substandard accomodation than
white people of the same class