Great Gatsby - Chapter 1


English Lit (The Great Gatsby - Chapter Plans) Mindmap am Great Gatsby - Chapter 1, erstellt von ellen.harrison am 30/01/2014.
Mindmap von ellen.harrison, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ellen.harrison vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Great Gatsby - Chapter 1
  1. Events in Chapter 1
    1. Nick talks about his life and family (family business, war, moving east)
      1. Talks about West Egg, mentions Gatsby's mansion.
        1. Introduced to Tom and Daisy, first a description then a meeting with them.
          1. Find out Tom is having an affair on Daisy
            1. Gatsby reaching out out to a green light.
            2. Setting
              1. Begin with no particular setting, looking to past
                1. Move to West Egg
                  1. "riotous island" - suggestion towards foreshadowing to all the parties and corruption that Nick finds there.
                    1. "separated only by a courtesy bay" - metaphorical representation of the sensibilities of people from Eastern and Western parts of the US
                      1. "less fashionable" - East egg = old money. West egg = new money (recently earned money)
                        1. Readers shown a comparison to those that have much and those that have not so much
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