Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Was German Aggression responsible for the outbreak of WW1?
- Yes
- Escape forwards
- The government wanted to distract the general public from social problems
- Poverty increase due to urbanisation
- Since 1912 the SPD had become the largest political group showing the rise in extremism
- Zabern Affair showed social resistance
- Planned War of Aggression
- Naval Laws of 1898 and 1900
- War Council meeting of 1912
- 'Free-Hand' policy
- The Schliefen Plan violated Belgium neutrality and anticipated War on two fronts
- Planned originally in 1905 and remained unchanged
- The first 40 days of war were by railway timetable
- Their continual support for Austria Hungary
- Moroccan Crisis 1909
- Balkans Crisis 1912-13
- 'Blank Cheque' offered 5th July 1914
- Welttpolitik indicated they wanted territorial gain
- No
- Germany felt encircled
- Agreements that they were not part of
- Triple Entente
- Calculated Risk - European War was inevitable and the sooner the better for Germany
- Increasing tensions in Europe
- Moroccan Crisis
- Bosnian Crisis
- Balkan Wars
- Army expansions
- Naval rivals with Britain
- Russia - 500,000 extra troops in 1913
- France - extended conscription from 2 to 3 years