Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- what is a programming
- A specific way to give a computer
instructions. Programming languages
evolved from the use of simple
languages such as binary, and are
now varied and a lot more
- http://www.dictionary.com/browse/programming-language
- Each language has specific syntax
unique to the language, and the
computer won't understand the
code given if it is not written
- To convert the program into
something the machine understands
you either have to compile the
program or interpret the program.
- There are different categories of programming
languages. There are high level programming
languages, such as C++, are so complex that the
computer cannot understand them. Language
that the computer can understand are called
machine languages.
- Between machine language and
high level languages are
assembly languages.
- Fourth-generation languages are
above high-level languages.
- http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/programming_language.html
- Why Python?
- 69% of the top 39 Computer Science
Classrooms use Python as their intro language.
- There are many
characteristics that
make Python a good
first programming
language. First, it has
an easy setup, it is
only necessary to type
the word "Python" into
a computer to run the
- Another advantage is
that the program is
written in English, and
that the errors made
during the creation on the
program appear
immediately on the
console, and that avoids
making that same
mistake again or not
being able to run a
program because of a
little mistake.
- http://readwrite.com/2014/07/08/what-makes-python-easy-to-learn/