
Tafhim Hussain
Mindmap von Tafhim Hussain, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tafhim Hussain
Erstellt von Tafhim Hussain vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. K: My family taught me about social values, religion, ethics, norms, traditions and decorum of the house tradition.
      1. B: I prioritised the teachings of my family and formulated my social behaviour and religious awareness.
        1. E: As the elder son I have shared the family responsibilities, handled burdens and controlled the family according to situations.
        2. SPORTS
          1. K: Through sports, I have learned the importance of team-work, how to cope with difficult situations and how to share responsibilities among team members.
            1. B: The knowledge and experience of playing cricket has made believe that teamwork makes the dreamwork.
              1. E: I have always been a big fan of cricket and I have played a lot of cricket for different clubs and teams.
              2. INTERNET SURFING
                1. K: Through internet surfing, I learned a lot about the cultural diversity and natural beauty of various countries.
                  1. B:The knowledge and experience I have gained from internet surfing has given me the broader vision of and about the world .
                    1. E: As I am interested to learn a lot about other countries and cultures, I have watched a lot of documentaries made by famous photographers.
                    2. PHOTOGRAPHY
                      1. K: Since my childhood, I have played a lot with camera and it has given me the knowledge of seeing different things in different ways.
                        1. B: The knowledge and experience of photography has given me the strength of focusing and diverse vision about everything in both personal and social life.
                          1. E: As I grew up with a camera in my hand, I have captured different objects and moments all my life.
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