
MMA for kids Should it be banned?
Huy Nguyen Quang
Mindmap von Huy Nguyen Quang, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Huy Nguyen Quang
Erstellt von Huy Nguyen Quang vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. What is it
    1. Mainly in the USA
      1. Growing in popularity (with more 3 million children)
        1. Banned in most states in the US
          1. It is also praticed in Australia
            1. Ban was lifted in may 2015
          2. Kid's MMA
            1. Between the ages of 5-13
              1. how do they fight?
                1. boxing
                  1. wrestling
                    1. kick-boxing
                  2. An extremely controversial sport
                    1. Senator John McCain called for an international ban in 2008
                  3. Why?
                    1. Fitness
                      1. Strict Training
                        1. Prevents Obesity (Rising obesity rate in children)
                        2. Values
                          1. Patience
                            1. Discipline
                              1. Confidence
                              2. Bullying
                                1. Self-defense
                                  1. Confident children are less prone to bullying
                                  2. Safety measures
                                    1. Professional Referee
                                      1. Qualified Medical Staff
                                        1. Health Checks
                                          1. No punching and kicking
                                          2. Voluntary
                                            1. None of the children are forced
                                          3. Why not?
                                            1. Not enough protection
                                              1. No head protection is worn
                                              2. Potential injuries
                                                1. Brain Trauma
                                                  1. Concussion
                                                  2. Barbaric
                                                    1. some consider fighting to be barbaric
                                                      1. Glamourises violence
                                                      2. Overly Time Consuming
                                                        1. Most time is spent training
                                                        2. Does not embrace the values of martial arts
                                                          1. Fight with intent to harm
                                                            1. Should be used only for self defense
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