
not Restant Materials Mindmap am RESTANT MATERIALS 5, erstellt von Emily Armstrong am 02/02/2014.
Emily Armstrong
Mindmap von Emily Armstrong, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emily Armstrong
Erstellt von Emily Armstrong vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

    1. Switch
      1. It can open and close the switch to control the flow of elctrisatie
      2. Buzzer
        1. When it connected to a cell and has a elerticacll flow it will make a adiuball sound
        2. Bulb
          1. It emits lights up when a electrical currant
          2. L.E.D
            1. A diode only alloys electricy to flow in one direction
            2. Cell
              1. This is usually is 1.5 volt cell which makes a eltrical flow
              2. Battery
                1. This is a collection of cells e.g 9 volt battery
                2. Motor
                  1. This moves when power is appliede
                3. WOOD AND WHERE IT COMES FROM
                  1. What type of trees supply us with soft wood? CONIFEROUS TREES
                    1. What type of trees supply us with hard wood? DECIDUOUS TREES
                      1. Why would the softwood we use in the picture frame project be seasoned before use? IT GROWS QUICK AND TO STRAIGHT
                        1. What would happen if the softwood we use had been seasoned too quickly? THE WOOD COULD TWIST
                          1. What timber material would a more expensive picture frame have been made from? MAHOGANY BECAUSE IT CAN BE HARD TO WORK WITH BUT HAS GOOD FINISH
                            1. Why should we advoid using timber with a large knot? BECAUSE IT CAN SPLIT
                              1. Describe the three main types or classifacations of wood? SOFTWOODS,HARDWOODS AND MANUFACTURED BOARD
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                              Emily Armstrong
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