

7 History and Politics Mindmap am Conservatism, erstellt von martindavidedgar am 22/04/2016.
Mindmap von martindavidedgar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von martindavidedgar vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Against Change/ No rapid, only gradual change.
    1. Pessimistic view on human nature.
      1. Human beings are irrational.
        1. Need to be governed
          1. Human are inherently selfish
      2. Religious/ Christian values
        1. Used in order to maintain social control
        2. Tradition
          1. Creates continuity and tranquility
            1. Wisdom comes from the past
            2. Monarchy
              1. The key to an effective government and creates political stability.
                1. Ain't broke, don't fix it
              2. Elite government is a strong government
                1. Hierarchy
                  1. Best educated should govern
                  2. Right to property
                    1. Typical family life
                      1. Creates stability
                    2. Key figures
                      1. David Hume
                        1. Human understanding must be drawn from the experience of the past.
                        2. Edmund Burke
                          1. Religion is the foundation of civil society
                          2. Michael Oakeshott
                            1. First to reject Rationalism.
                          3. Rejects Rationalism
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