Zusammenfassung der Ressource
biopsychology: neurons and synaptic transmission
- basics
- the structure and function of neurons
- 100 billion neurons in the human nervous system
- 80% are in the brain
- transmit signals electrically and chemically
- communicate
- types of neuron
- 3 types
- motor neurons
- sensory neurons
- relay neurons
- the structure of a neuron
- different sizes (mm - metre)
- structure
- cell body
- includes the nucleus
- contains the genetic material
- dendrites
- attached to the cell body
- carry nerve impulses from
neighbouring neurons
towards the cell
- axon
- carries impulse away from the cell body
- down the length of the neuron
- covered in a fatty layer (myelin sheath)
- protects it and speeds up transmission
- nodes of ranvier
- myelin sheath split up to make
impulses quicker
- these are called nodes of ranvier
- terminal buttons
- end of the axon
- speed up transmission forcing it to jump
across the gaps along the axon
- electric transmission - the firing of a neuron
- when neuron in resting state the
inside is negatively charged
compared to the outside
- when it is activated by a stimulus the
inside becomes positively charged
- causing an action potential
- creates electrical impulses that travel down the axon
- synaptic transmission
- chemical transmission - synapses
- neurons communicate within groups called neural networks
- each neuron separated by a gap called a synapse
- signals within neurons transmitted electrically
- outside chemically (along the synapse)
- when the electrical impulses reach the end of the neuron (presynaptic
terminal) it triggers the release of neurotransmitters fro sacs called
synaptic vesicles
- neurotransmitter
- chemicals that diffuse across the
synapse to the next neuron
- when a neurotransmitter crosses the synapse it reaches the post synaptic gap
- the dendrite of the next neuron
- the chemical message changes to electrical and carries on
- several types of neurotransmitters are
in the brain, spinal cord and some
- has its own structure that fits perfectly into the post synaptic receptor site
- all have special functions
- excitation and inhibition
- neurotransmitters have either an excitatory or inhibitory effect
- serotonin causes inhibition resulting in he neuron
becoming negatively charged so less likely to fire
- adrenaline causes excitation makes it positively charged so more likely to fire