Contributions of the Islamic World to Sciences


simple mind map
Lorenzo Baba
Mindmap von Lorenzo Baba, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lorenzo Baba
Erstellt von Lorenzo Baba vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Contributions of the Islamic World to Sciences
  1. Produced practical, intellectual benefits
    1. Produced observational instruments that greatly reduced margin for error
      1. Predicting seasonal landmarks for succesful cultivation of crops
        1. Accurately navigate on land or sea
          1. Lead to invention of better instrument for Astronomy
        2. Collected valuable informations all over the world lost during the "Dark Age"
          1. Expanded knowledge through birth of Trigonometry, Geometry, Navigation, Cartography, Instrument- making
            1. Toledan tables, Sabian tables were made
              1. Discovery of the Andromeda Galaxy
                1. Explanation of the Parallax
              2. Al- Ma'mun
                1. Built the first formal observatory
                  1. Inspired Muslim astronomers
                    1. Al - Battani
                      1. al - Farghani
                        1. al - Zarqali
                        2. Lead to a significant progress in Astronomy, Navigation, Mathematics and Sciences
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