Eric Birling's Character - An Inspector Calls


Mindmap am Eric Birling's Character - An Inspector Calls, erstellt von tanyakazami97 am 21/04/2013.
Mindmap von tanyakazami97, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von tanyakazami97 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Eric Birling's Character - An Inspector Calls
  1. "In his early twenties, not quite at ease, half shy, half assertive."
    1. He is a heavy drinker - Gerald admits, "I have gathered that he does drink pretty hard."
      1. He seems to support Sheila whenever she challenges her father - "Why shouldn't they try for higher wages?"
        1. He feels guilty at the end when you realizes the concequences of his actions - he says: "Oh - my God! - how stupid it all is!"
          1. He had some innate sense of responsibility,
            1. This is because even though he got Eva pregnant, he was concerned enough to give her some money - he was able to do something his parents could not
              1. He was less worried about stealing from his father's office than he was about the girl's future
            2. He seems to be more mature that is own parents - he says "I'm ashamed of you."
              1. When his father threatens him, he stands up to him by saying "I don't give a damn now."
                1. At this point, he doesn't care at all about his actions because he realizes that his parents' are much worse. Their reputation do not affect him,
                2. By the end, he is fully aware of his social responsibility. He is not interested in his parents' efforts to cover everything up.
                  1. He believes the most important thing is that a girl is dead. "We did her in all right."
                  2. He showed RESPONSIBILITY all throughout the play
                    1. This is because he seemed awkward and embarrassed, he was also a hardened drinker.
                    2. He was a thief but he later felt guilty about it when he realizes he was partly responsible for Eva's death and the death of her unborn child.
                      1. By the end of the play Eric had taken responsibility for his actions along side Sheila.
                        1. This signifies hope as Sheila and Eric are the younger generation in the play.
                          1. This shows that we can use our talents to help have responsibility on others.
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