Zusammenfassung der Ressource
TDA Postmodernism - affrimation and
- Affirmation for Religion
- Talks about living religion rather than intellectual
faith - this is an important part of religion
- Also highlights the importance of practicing the religion and
- Brings traditional religious actions and beliefs to a
postmodern time
- Allows religion to be seen without
certain statements weighing it
down. Also allows a religious
interpretation of life that may have
been rejected before - it was not
intellectually justifiable.
- Denial of Religion
- Treeats believers as consumers with
the pick and mix approach - this can be
seena s offensive and undesirable for
religious believers as religion is NOT
something that can just be picked at
and bought.
- Although it boasts an agnostic view on religion it
can be interpreted as atheist - essentially has an
anti realist view of God (rejects objective
- Denies absolutes and meta narratives - the basis of
many religions
- Denies intellectual belief and knowledge
of God
- Allows any belief - has no
content or strict rules