Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1 - HCP Journey of the Child
- 3rd Sector Locala - FNP b4 26 wks
– 2 - HV b4 28 wks – 5 yrs - SN 5
– 19 yrs - MASH (health) - *S x
Stat visits from antenatal contact –
whatever else needed
- -9 months
- Single point of access ask CAMHS
(unusual before 4 yrs)
- Not just child, look
at whole family
multi- agency
- • Northope Hall (charity) • Chews –
short term 8 – 12 sessions • Tier 2 –
young Careres 8 – 19 yrs (Barnados –
from May 16)
- Single point of access ASK CAMHS
(unusual 4yrs)
- 0
- Orchard Cart , part of Hollybank
Children’s Home, Full –time
residential and respite 4 – 19
complete physical needs. Holly
bank school parent support groups,
L, HH & Pips complete physical
- 25 wks – have to have child
under for ref?
- 5 yrs
- Create 8 – 18 learning D? Sports
and Arts
- Risks of duplication or people not knowing about what is
available – a need for central point of information responsible
on services to keep updated.
- Charity – Home start – Volunteers to support parents, young people, peer
support groups, nurturing parents embedded service well received but family
has to want to engage but tend to as non-statutory health approach.
- 10 yrs
- 19 yrs
- - Knowing what is actually out there, what do, who
for etc. – hard to collaboration of don (hard for
professionals –even hard for families
- - Quality?
- - Offers opportunities for joined up
working, more seamless
- - What if part of the collaboration “falls over” –
gap risk to outcomes
- - Risks of duplication
- - * Different organisation use different systems, need to
find ways to share without being reliant on having the
same system.
- - Cant it have a one-size fits all,
cat dilute person centre approach
- - *Outcomes in spec needs to
be right without being
- - Providers opportunity to share
knowledge/increase understanding (although do
that now)
- Concerns re-terms and conditions, Providers not
commissioners. All providers have different terms and
conditions. Are services going to be impacted on actual
delivery April 17 – impact on formula, continuity of care?
- - Process of collaboration –
starting to improve and build
relations between
- - Risks to smaller organisations
– getting “swallowed up” by larger
- - *Need a common understanding of what we mean by
collaboration – different interpretation
- make smaller organisations more
visible, increase awareness and
- Opportunity to
share (Collaborate
in various ways
management, back
office etc..
- - Impact of academy
on L & Community Huns
- - So many changes all going on at the
- - Concern about impact on way of working in smaller
organisation having to change
- - What is going to be the difference between now
and future model
- - Funding, opportunities to do more differently
- - Competition? Need to protect
services etc
- Existing providers have?
- - Are commissioners looking to provide
support around bid writing?
- - Accountability, power – type of
model? Flexibility
- - How specific will spec be?
- - Word limits??