Zusammenfassung der Ressource
facts about business
- to congractulat people
- a dog
- day off
- food
- promotion
- a phone
- laws
- Consumer protection act 1998
- Sale of goods act Supply of goods
and services 2015
- Competition act 1998
- Consumer protection distance selling
- Consumer protection from unfair trading regulation 2008
- how to treat custmers
- do not be
- to be nice
- good customer service
- bad customer service
- rude
- what can happen
- loss of customers
- less and less money
- bad word of mouth
- ignore
- don't help them
- don't ignore them
- what can happen
- more custmores
- more product
- good word of
- help them if they need it
- be polite
- the 4 ps
- Price
- product
- Place
- Promotions
- what is profit
- sales - cost
- what is Cash flow forecast
- is flow of cash in and out of a business
Profit how much you make
- sole trader
- a person who is the exclusive owner of a business, entitled to keep all profits after tax has been paid
but liable for all losses.
- partner ships
- A legal form of business operation between two or more individuals who share management and profits
- methods of production
- flow
- Flow production where identical, standardised items are produced on an assembly line. Most cars are
mass-produced in large factories using conveyor belts and expensive machinery such as robot arms.
Workers have specialised jobs, for instance, fitting wheels.
- batch
- Batch production where groups of items are made together. Each batch
is finished before starting the next block of goods. For example, a baker
first produces a batch of 50 white loaves. Only after they are completed
will he or she start baking 50 loaves of brown bread.
- job
- Job production where items are made individually and each item is finished
before the next one is started. Designer dresses are made using the job
production method.
- business aims
- year 1 survive
- year 2 make profit
- year 3 expand
- what is brake even
- where the sales and the cost are the same resalting in a zero profit