Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Impact of the EEC
on Fisheries
- Introduction
- Continental shelf around Ireland -> fertile
- Fishing industry made progress in
1960s, but was still underdeveloped
- 6000 full & part time fishermen (1973)
- Ireland had the smallest EEC fleet
- Denmark - 1/2 the size of
Ireland, catch 20x bigger
- EEC entry negotiations
- agreement on fisheries
- Fishermen from other EEC countries able to fish in Irish waters
- Ireland & Britain given a 10yr. exemption from free access rule
- Ireland could benefit from increased European markets
- Bord Iascaigh Mhara
- Set up in 1952
- 1973 - Ireland was still behind other countries
- BIM opened offices to expand markets to the continent
- ~develop added-value products
~develop more processing in Ireland
- Iceland
- 1975 - 200 mile exclusion zone
- Deprived some EEC fleets of fishing waters
- EEC declared 200 mile exclusion
zone around its waters
- More of an industry
- Improved processing facilities, better ports & marine
engineering to service boats
- 1986 - 12,000 employed (full & part time work)
Increase of 50% on 1975 levels
- More employed in ancillary industries
- West & north west ares
- Failures
- Inadequate business training for skippers & crew
- 80% of owners in arrears
- Increase in illegal fishing
- Irish Fisherman's Organisation
- 1974 to lobby the government
- 50 mile limit for Irish fishermen
- 6 ports blockaded in support of their demands
- Garret Fitzgerald
- Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Ireland allowed to double its catch
- Govt. plan to expand fleet & industry
- Fishing of herring banned
- Common Fisheries Policy
- 1983 - EEC system for the management of
fisheries & aquaculture
- Set fishing limits
- Established quotas & catches
- Developed a structural policy
- Conclusion
- prevented from reaching full potential (quotas)
- Grants & loans - better equipment
- Provided employment (increased by half)