Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Economic integration in America
- Capitalism
- Private Property
- Capital
- Transnational Corporations
- Wealth accumulation
- Key allies
- More powerful governments
- Financial institutions
- IBD Interamerican Development Bank
- Development Bank of North America
- CEntral American Bank for Economic Integration
- Caribbean Development Bank
- Andean DEvelopment Corporation
- Control mechanism and dependence
- External debt
- Structural adjustment policies
- Sale of assets
- Eliminatios of tariff barriers and non-tariff
- Constitutional amendments
- Privatizations
- MIlitary structure
- Guarantees
- Feasibility
- Scenarios
- World Trade Organization
- Integration process
- Starts in 60`s
- Central American Common Market
- Teatry Basin River Plate
- Andean Pact
- Andean Development Corporation
- Consolidation in 90`s
- IDB Interamerican Development Bank
- Washington Consensus
- Facilitate trade and economic integration 90`s
- Control fiscal deficit
- Avoid inflation
- Interest rates determined by the market
- Tax reform
- Public spendies priorities
- Exchane rate determined by the market
- Import liberalization
- Foreign direct investment boost
- Deregulation
- Privatize industry
- Andean Community of Nations
- Southern Common Market
- Free Trade Agreement of North America
- Free Trade Area of Americas
- The world`s largest trading bloc
- Negative impacts on poor countries
- In 70`s
- Caribbean community
- Free Trade Agreement Caribbean
- Latin American Energy Organization
- Amazon pact
- In 80`s
- Latin American Integration Association
- Organization of eastern Caribbean states
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
- My point of view
- The process of economic and trade in the continent has achieved
- Increase profits of large multinational corporations
- Deliver more power to countries that already have
- The poor are becoming poorer in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Points of viem
- Ramon Tamames (1968)
- Two or more national markets come together to form a single market in a more suitable dimenion
- Edgar Vieira Posada (2008)
- Latin America is confised with the idea that it is sufficient integration articulated in free trade zones and sidesteps the theoretical debate