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R.E - Ethics - Fertility Treatment
- Introduction
- Fertility treatment is used when people can not
conceive naturally, usually because of a medical
problem e.g. a man is not producing enough sperm, or a
woman is not ovulating.
- There are different forms, depending on the problem. Often, couples may
have to try many fertility treatments for months or years in the hope of
success. It doesn’t always work. It can be very expensive.
- Types of Fertility Treatments
- IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation (in glass): Egg and sperm are brought together in a test-tube.
Embryo is put back inside the woman’s body.
- AI – Artificial Insemination: Sperm is collected and placed in the woman’s uterus artificially.
- AIH – Artificial Insemination (Husband): Artificial Insemination using the husband’s healthy sperm.
- AID – Artificial Insemination (Donor) Artificial Insemination using an anonymous donor’s sperm, e.g.
if the husband’s sperm are not healthy, or a woman has no partner.
- Surrogacy – If a woman cannot have children, her husband’s sperm is used to impregnate another
woman – a 3rd party. She gives birth and hands the baby back to the couple.
- Christian Arguments For
- It brings happiness to people who otherwise would not be able to have children.
- If life comes from God, anything that creates new life must be good.
- It can create loving families
- God told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and increased in number”. God
wants us to have children.
- AGAPE: most loving action is to offer medical help and to use these
God-given gifts of healing.
- Golden Rule – “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” If you were
desperate for a child, wouldn’t you want someone to help you?
- Christian Arguments Against
- God chooses whether people have babies or not; if a couple is childless, it
may be God’s will.
- God may have chosen these people to devote their lives to
other kinds of Christian work.
- It goes against “natural law” to create a child in any way other than through sex.
- Surrogacy
- All Churches agree that surrogacy is wrong.
- It involves a 3rd party in a much bigger way than donated eggs and sperm.
- It strikes at the heart of the family.
- It can create massive problems for everyone concerned, including the child.