Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ops Mgmt -
Directing - Chapter
One Basics (Reid
Ch1 p1-24)
- Transformational Model
- 2 images in file
- Ops Mgr Day in Life
- Tasks
- 1.Call in plan ahead
- overnight -
informal shift status
- 2.Visit shop flr - check
logbook & prev day stats
> picture of prev day's
- 2.1 Resolve Probs
- 2.2 Targets for today
- 3.Meetings & Inspections
- 3.1 Short Meetings -
targets & perf req
cascade to supvrs
- 3.2 Inspections / Process Audits
- 3.3 Analyse Prod Reports Prev Day
- 4. Follow Ups
- 4.1 Quality / Qty /
Resource Tracking &
Avail Focus
- 4.2 Meetings -
Suppliers etc &
Other Depts
- 5. Closing
- 5.1 Analyse
Prod Figs &
Losses / Gains
- 5.2 Logbook Updates inc
prod figs for shift /
instructions / new targets /
material avail / loss
- Ops Mgmt- Top 8 Roles
- 1.IT Ops Mgr - oversee
programmers / sftw eng
- 2. Financial Ops Mgr - resp for
finances & report analysis for
mgmt decisions and in budget
& forecasting
- 3. Ops Mgr Research Analyst -
resp for company resource
alloc to ensure profits
- 4. Systems Centre Ops Mgr - resp for
company computer network running -
monitoring networks, outages, security
checks & upgrades
- 5. QA Ops Mgr - ensure products no defects
and prod goals met re quality. May lead
tests / inspections
- 6. Industrial Prod Ops Mgr -
coordinate prod depts in
Manu Co's
- 7. Mkting Ops Mgr - resp
all aspects prod svc
- 8. Purchasing Ops Mgr - resp for acquiring
goods & svcs req for ops. Buy and monitor
quality and quantity + forecast changes in
prices of goods & svcs.
- Chapter 1. Basics of Ops Mgmt
- Source: Reid, R Dan & Sanders, Nada R.
'Operations Management' 5th Edn.
- OM Definition
- The business function responsible for
planning, coordinating, and
controlling the resources needed to
produce products and services for a
company [Wiley, 2013]
- OM Function
- 1. Management
- 2. Organisational
core function
- 3. All
irrespective of
size or type
- OM Typical Mgmt Hierarchy &
Decisions Made by role
- 1. President/CEO
2. VP Operations
3. VP Marketing
4. VP Finance
- VP Mkt - (Inputs) Resp
for cust demands and
(Outputs) driving
sales of goods & svcs
- VP Ops - (Inputs)
Resp for people,
equip, tech,
materials, info
(Outputs) Sales of
goods and svcs
- VP Finance -
(Inputs) Resp for
cashflow, curr
assets, CAPEX
- Role/Obj of OM
- Transformation
Inputs to Outputs [Wiley, 2013]
- Inputs: raw
materials, people,
facilities, processes,
material, technical
- Outputs:
finished goods
and services
- Role Objective: Add Value -
inc product value at each
stage & Op efficiency
(activities performed well
for least possible cost)
- OM Value Added Calc = net
incr between output
product val and input
materials val
- OM Functions / In
practice / Info Flow
- Diverse org function
- Manage
- Many roles e.g
plant / supply / QA
- Info provision to all business
functions for decision making
- OM one of 3
major business
functions 1. Ops
2. Finance. 3.
- If Functions don't get Ops
Info Support
- Mkting - what ops to
- Finance - can't judge
CAPEX inv level
- Info Sys - allows flow
of info through org
- HR - know job
needs / skills &
- Accounts - to validate
inventory / cashflow /
labor stds
- Manage resources to deliver
company prod & svcs
- Range of strat &
tact decisions
- Service Orgs vs Manu
Orgs - Comparison
- Service Org
- 1.Intangible
2.Product not
3.High cust
contact 4.Short
resp time
- Manu Org
- 1. Tangible
product 2.
inventory 3.Low
cust contact
response time 5.
Capital intensive
- Similarities:
- 1.Both use tech
2. Both have
quality &
response issues
3. Both forecast
demand 4. Both
can have
capacity, layout
& location issues
4. Both have
cust , supplier,
scheduling and
resource issues
- Exceptions:
- 1. Manu can provide svcs
2. Svc can provide
tangible product. 3. Some
are a 'quasi-manu' (QM)
=mix of both. QM orgs are
a)low cust contact and b)
capital intensive
- Curr Trends in OM
- 1. Service Sector Growth (Source Wiley, 2013)
- a.Service = 50-80% non farm jobs
b. globalisation c) higher quality
demand d) tech changes e)time
based competition f) workforce
- OM Cust Drivers Today
- greater quality
- lower cost
- better speed
- Efficient Ops e.g introduce
LEAN (total systems
- X functional decision
- Tech - more
integrated info ie
- OM Strategic v Tactical
Decision Making
- Strategic
- 1.Set direction for entire company 2.
Broad brush 3. Long term nature
4.Infrequent by comparison to tactical
- Example what are our USPs as a
- Tactical
- 1. Day to day focus - operational
issues eg resourcing / prod qtys
2. more frequent Example who to
go on next shift
- OM Historical Dev
- OM Today
- Shaped by historic M.Stones
- Historic M.Stones from Ind Rev >
Scientific Mgmt > HR Movement >
Management Science > Computer
- Current Trends
- 1.Just in Time 2. TQM 3.
Re-Engineering 4. Flexibility 5. Time
Based Competition 6. SCM 7.
Global Marketplace 8. Environ