Response to Stimuli


Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Biology (Unit 3 AOS 2 - Detecting and Responding) Mindmap am Response to Stimuli, erstellt von Minoshka Bocarro am 05/05/2016.
Minoshka Bocarro
Mindmap von Minoshka Bocarro, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Minoshka Bocarro
Erstellt von Minoshka Bocarro vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Response to Stimuli
  1. Experimental method
    1. Animal
      1. Stimulus Response Model
        1. Stimulus
          1. Sensory Receptors
            1. Affectors
              1. Thermoreceptros
              2. Eternal and Internal environmental factors
                1. Physical and Chemical
                2. Detection
                3. Response
                  1. Receptors
                    1. Negative feedback (reduces stimulus back to acceptable limits)
                      1. as opposed to positive feedback which increases stimuli until task is comlete (unstable-doesn't add homeostaisi
                    2. Plant
                      1. Hormone/growth regulators
                        1. Types of hormones
                          1. Auxin
                          2. Transport
                            1. Vascular System
                              1. Xylem
                                1. Phloem
                                2. Through the air
                                  1. Ethylene
                                  2. Diffusion through the cell
                                3. Trophism
                                  1. Growth Response
                                    1. Phototropism
                                      1. Light
                                        1. Apical tip
                                          1. Zone of elongation
                                            1. Meristem
                                        2. Geootropism
                                          1. Gravity
                                            1. Accumulation of auxin
                                              1. Uneven growth
                                              2. Low concentrations auxin inhibitor
                                                1. Abscisic acid
                                              3. Thigmotropism
                                                1. Physical contact
                                                  1. Uneven auxin distribution causes bending
                                                2. Temperature response
                                                  1. Enzymes affected
                                                    1. Dormancy
                                                      1. Vernalisation
                                                    2. Bacteria
                                                      1. Nervous
                                                        1. Signalling Molecules
                                                        2. Hormonal
                                                          1. Signalling Molecules
                                                          2. Signal Tranduction
                                                            1. Lipid soluble
                                                              1. Through the membrane
                                                                1. Binds with an internal receptor
                                                                  1. Forms a hormone-receptor complex
                                                                    1. Can activate or suppress the production of a protein
                                                                      1. Gene activation
                                                                        1. Transcription and translation for genes with codes for proteins
                                                                    2. Simple diffusion
                                                                    3. Examples
                                                                      1. Steroids
                                                                        1. Estrogen
                                                                          1. Testosterone
                                                                          2. Thyroid
                                                                            1. Derived form Thyroxine
                                                                          3. In blood stream
                                                                            1. Carrier Protein
                                                                              1. Allows the non polar hormone to dissolve in polar blood plasma
                                                                            2. Effects
                                                                              1. Slower
                                                                                1. Completion of proteins takes a very long time
                                                                                2. Long lasting
                                                                                  1. Proteins like enzymes can be reused
                                                                                    1. Regulates long term development
                                                                                3. Water soluble
                                                                                  1. Cannot pass through the membrane
                                                                                  2. What is it?
                                                                                    1. Cascade of processes
                                                                                  3. Signalling molecules
                                                                                    1. Apoptosis
                                                                                      1. Controlled process
                                                                                        1. Cell Shrinkage
                                                                                          1. Blebbing
                                                                                            1. Loses it's shape
                                                                                              1. Bubbles hanging off the cell
                                                                                                1. Nuclear Fragmentation
                                                                                                  1. Chromatin Condensation
                                                                                                    1. Chromosomal DNA fragmentation
                                                                                                      1. After death engulfed by phagocytic cell
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