

Electronics and Control Systems GCSE
Mindmap von ahmad67uk, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ahmad67uk vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Materials, Processes and Practices
    1. Plastics
      1. Charecteristics
        1. Electrical Insulator
          1. Thermal Insulator
            1. Weather Ressistant
              1. Chemical Ressistant
                1. Corrosion Resistant
                  1. Heat Resistant
                    1. Many Colours
                      1. Easily Shaped and Formed
                        1. Self Lubricating
                          1. Impact Resistant
                          2. Types
                            1. Thermoplastics
                              1. Acrylic
                                1. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
                                  1. High Impact Polystyrene
                                    1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
                                      1. Nylon
                                      2. Thermosetting Plastics
                                        1. Glass Reinenforced Plastics
                                          1. Epoxy Resin
                                      3. Timbers
                                        1. Types
                                          1. Hardwoods
                                            1. Mahogany
                                              1. Beach
                                              2. Softwood
                                                1. Pine
                                                2. Manufactured Boards
                                                  1. Plywood
                                                    1. MDF
                                                  2. Charecteristics
                                                    1. Grain Pattern
                                                      1. Colour
                                                        1. Texture
                                                          1. Workability
                                                            1. Structural Strength
                                                          2. Metals
                                                            1. Types
                                                              1. Non-Ferrous
                                                                1. Aluminium
                                                                  1. Duralumin
                                                                    1. Copper
                                                                      1. Brass
                                                                      2. Ferrous
                                                                        1. Mild Steel
                                                                      3. Charecteristics
                                                                        1. Brittleness
                                                                          1. Tensile Strength
                                                                            1. Elasticity
                                                                              1. Ductillity
                                                                                1. Malleabillity
                                                                                  1. Hardness
                                                                                    1. Toughness
                                                                                  2. Smart Materials
                                                                                    1. Optical Fibre
                                                                                      1. Smart Cable
                                                                                        1. Piezo Transducer
                                                                                          1. Solar Cell
                                                                                            1. Thermocolour Sheet
                                                                                              1. Liquid Crystal Display
                                                                                                1. Smart Wire
                                                                                                  1. Quantum Tunnelling Composite
                                                                                                  2. Injection and Blow Moulding
                                                                                                    1. Vacuum Forming and Line Bending
                                                                                                      1. PCB Design
                                                                                                        1. PCB Producion
                                                                                                          1. PCB Assembly
                                                                                                            1. Computer Aided Manufacture
                                                                                                              1. Consumer Protection and Enviroment
                                                                                                                1. Scales of Production
                                                                                                                  1. One Off
                                                                                                                    1. Batch Production
                                                                                                                      1. Mass Production
                                                                                                                        1. Continues Production
                                                                                                                          1. Just in Time Production
                                                                                                                        2. Basic Principles and Electronic Components
                                                                                                                          1. Diodes
                                                                                                                            1. Capacitors in series and paralel
                                                                                                                              1. Batteries
                                                                                                                                1. Types
                                                                                                                                  1. Lithium (non Rechargeable)
                                                                                                                                    1. Silver Oxide
                                                                                                                                      1. Nickel Cadmium (Rechargeable)
                                                                                                                                        1. Zinc Carbon
                                                                                                                                          1. Alkaline
                                                                                                                                        2. Mechanical Switches
                                                                                                                                          1. Types
                                                                                                                                            1. Single Pole Single Throw
                                                                                                                                              1. Single Throw Double Throw
                                                                                                                                                1. Double Throw Double Pole
                                                                                                                                                2. Real life examples
                                                                                                                                                  1. Types
                                                                                                                                                    1. Push
                                                                                                                                                      1. Micro
                                                                                                                                                        1. Slide
                                                                                                                                                          1. Rocker
                                                                                                                                                            1. Vibration
                                                                                                                                                              1. Tilt
                                                                                                                                                                1. Toggle
                                                                                                                                                                  1. Proximity
                                                                                                                                                                    1. Reed
                                                                                                                                                                      1. Rotary
                                                                                                                                                                        1. Key
                                                                                                                                                                    2. Electronics Circuit Symbols


                                                                                                                                                                      • See Flash Cards
                                                                                                                                                                      1. See Flash Cards
                                                                                                                                                                      2. LDRs and Thermisters
                                                                                                                                                                        1. LDR
                                                                                                                                                                          1. If dark resistance rises to 10k
                                                                                                                                                                            1. If light resistance falls to 1K
                                                                                                                                                                            2. Thermister
                                                                                                                                                                              1. If hot resistance falls
                                                                                                                                                                                1. If Cold resistance increses
                                                                                                                                                                              2. Resistor Power Ratings
                                                                                                                                                                                1. Capacitors
                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Uses
                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Create Time Delays (monostable)
                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Control Frequency or pulse generates (Astable)
                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Smooth the input across power supply
                                                                                                                                                                                        2. Measurments
                                                                                                                                                                                          1. 1 Microfarad
                                                                                                                                                                                            1. 1 Nanofarad
                                                                                                                                                                                              1. 1 Picofarad
                                                                                                                                                                                            2. Potential Dividers
                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Same Then Half the volatge
                                                                                                                                                                                                1. Bottom higher then higher than half
                                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Top higher then less than half
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2. Resistors
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Resistors in series and parallel
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Ohms Law
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