Human Relationships


A mind map of all the Key words in the human relationships topic and some quotes to show Christian view points
Amy Faulkner
Mindmap von Amy Faulkner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amy Faulkner
Erstellt von Amy Faulkner vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Human Relationships
  1. Covenant- A two way agreement made in the presence of God
    1. Wedding
    2. Abstinence- Refraining to do something
      1. "Let the marriage bed be undefilled"
      2. Adultery- Having sex with someone you aren't married to
        1. Always Unacceptable- "Let marriage be held in honor amoung all"
        2. Agape- Unconditional love
          1. Annulment- A legal declaration that a marriage is void
            1. Acceptable- This is the only way that the Roman Catholic Church allows divorce
            2. Asexual- Having no sexual urges
              1. Unacceptable- "Be fruitfuland Increase in number"
              2. Barrier Methods- A form of contraception that puts a barrier between the sperm and egg
                1. Condom- Contraceptive device using the barrier Method
                  1. Acceptable if it is for family planning with someone you are palnning to have children with later on in life.
                    1. Unacceptable if it is used in order to have sex outside of marriage
                    2. Bigamy- Being married to more than one person
                      1. Unacceptable- "Let marriage be held in honor amoung all"
                      2. Celibacy- Not taking part in sexual activity
                        1. "Let the marriage bed be undefiled"
                        2. Civil Partnership- A Legal status giving a homosexual couple the same rights as a heterosexual couple
                          1. Unacceptable- "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman
                            1. Acceptable- "you are all one in Christ"
                            2. Coil- Contraceptive device that uses the abortive method
                              1. Unacceptable- Before i was born the lord chose me
                              2. Divorce- The end of a Marriage
                                1. Unacceptable-"What God has joined let no man divide"
                                  1. Unacceptable- "Till death do us part"
                                    1. Acceptable if the situation is extreme
                                    2. Marriage- The joining of a man and woman in a legal bond
                                      1. The only acceptable way to be envolved in a sexual Relationship
                                      2. Non-consummation- Failure to have sex after marriage
                                        1. Pre-marital sex- Having a sexual relationship before marriage
                                          1. Unacceptable- "Let the marriage bed be undefiled"
                                            1. Acceptable if you are planning to get married- "It is not good for man to be alone"
                                            2. Sacrament- A promise made to another person and to God
                                              1. Wedding Ceremony
                                              2. Union- Joining together
                                                1. Vows- Promises that are made to one another and God
                                                  1. Wedding- A ceremony when a couple become married
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