Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human Relationships
- Covenant- A two way agreement made in the presence of God
- Wedding
- Abstinence- Refraining
to do something
- "Let the marriage bed be undefilled"
- Adultery- Having sex
with someone you
aren't married to
- Always Unacceptable- "Let marriage be held in honor amoung all"
- Agape-
Unconditional love
- Annulment- A legal
declaration that a
marriage is void
- Acceptable- This is the only way that the
Roman Catholic Church allows divorce
- Asexual- Having no sexual urges
- Unacceptable- "Be fruitfuland Increase in number"
- Barrier Methods- A form of
contraception that puts a
barrier between the sperm
and egg
- Condom- Contraceptive
device using the barrier
- Acceptable if it is for family planning with
someone you are palnning to have children
with later on in life.
- Unacceptable if it is used in order to
have sex outside of marriage
- Bigamy- Being married to more than one person
- Unacceptable- "Let marriage be held in
honor amoung all"
- Celibacy- Not taking
part in sexual activity
- "Let the marriage bed be undefiled"
- Civil Partnership- A Legal status giving a homosexual
couple the same rights as a heterosexual couple
- Unacceptable- "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman
- Acceptable- "you are all one in Christ"
- Coil- Contraceptive device that
uses the abortive method
- Unacceptable- Before i was born the lord chose me
- Divorce- The end of a Marriage
- Unacceptable-"What God has
joined let no man divide"
- Unacceptable- "Till death do us
- Acceptable if the
situation is extreme
- Marriage- The joining of a man
and woman in a legal bond
- The only acceptable way to be envolved
in a sexual Relationship
- Non-consummation- Failure to have
sex after marriage
- Pre-marital sex- Having a sexual
relationship before marriage
- Unacceptable- "Let the marriage bed be undefiled"
- Acceptable if you are planning to get married-
"It is not good for man to be alone"
- Sacrament- A promise made to
another person and to God
- Wedding Ceremony
- Union- Joining together
- Vows- Promises that are made to
one another and God
- Wedding- A ceremony when a
couple become married