Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- While the majority of women work outside the home
- women tend to occupy lower-level positions and generally in traditional female fields
- By new industries more jobs, more positions in different jobs women can occupy
- Romania remains beeing a male-dominated society
- in 2000 was near 22 million people
- 90% Romanian, 7% are Hungrain, 2% Rome and the reast form UK,Germany, ETC
- there was a tax for leaving the country
- By globalization a lot of people form third world countries live now in romania
- Romania adopt the policies of the rest of european countries so now there is no more a tax
- A lot of Romanian people feel very proud about living there
- improving life conditions so people feel good about staying
- parts of the region still have an ethnic Hungarian majority.
- Roma people still are a big part of population
- By globalization many ethnic gropus have left for better conditions
- New Ethnic grups have been created
- Roma ethnic gruop dont have the enough resources to go to another countries
- ethnic gruops find refuge from the war in romania
- Breakfast is usually a small meal of bread with butter and jam and tea
- The largest meal is eaten in the early afternoon
- Food from other countries is now eat by the romanians
- The traditions are changing
- A lot of restaurants are preserving the traditional food of romania
- Also people still like eating at home, continuing the traditions in some regions
- 22 percent of the population live under the line of poverty
- nationalized economy system
- poor economy
- new opportunities have been created, new major industries enter into de country
- There are still a big percent of national industries in Romania