Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Los pueblos Precolombinos / The Pre-columbian peoples.
- Son los pueblos que habitaban en América del sur y centro antes de la llegada de los españoles en 1492. Destacan tres culturas / They are the peoples who were living in South America and center before the arrival of the Spanish in 1492. Three cultures stand out
- Los mayas / The Maya
- Habitaban en la península del Yucatán y zonas del actual México y Guatemala / They were living in the peninsula of the Yucatan and zones of the current Mexico and Guatemala
- La llegada de los españoles su cultura se encontraba en decadencia / The arrival of the Castilians his culture was in decadence.
- Se organizan en ciudades-Estado gobernadas por un jefe supremo que residía Mayapán / They are organized in cities - States governed by a supreme chief who was residing Mayapán.
- Pinturas murales de Bonampak (Chiapas) / Bonampak's wall paintings (Chiapas)
- Arte y cultura / Art and culture
- Son expertos en las matemáticos y astrónomos y observaban el cielo desde su pirámides escalonadas.
- Tiene su propio sistema de escritura basado en jeroglíficos.
- La religión / The religion
- Dioses principales: el dios de la lluvia (Chac) o el del viento (Kukulcan). En su honor se practicaban sacrificios humanos / Principal gods: the god of the rain (Chac) or that of the wind (Kukulcan). In his honor human sacrifices were practised.
- Los incas
- Un gran imperio que abarcaba los países de Perú, Bolivia, parte de Ecuador y norte de Chile y Argentina / A great empire that was including the countries of Peru, Bolivia, part of Ecuador and north of Chile and Argentina.
- Ante de la llegada de los conquistadores europeos ,vivían una etapa esplendor / Before of the arrival of the European conquerors, they were living through a stage brilliance.
- Sociedad y cultura / Company and culture
- Las ciudades se comunicaban con una red de carreteras / The cities were communicating with a network of roads.
- La sociedad se organizaba en clanes / La sociedad se organizaba en clanes
- El jefe supremo era considerado el hijo del sol / The supreme chief was considered to be the son of the Sun
- Dioses importante: Viracocha y Pacha Mama Viracocha / Gods importantly: Viracocha and Pasha Sucks Viracocha
- Cuzco era la capital del imperio inca
- Los aztecas / The Aztecs
- Se asentaron en el valle de México a partir del siglo XII / They settled themselves in the valley of Mexico from the 12th century.
- Capital Tenochtitlán / The capital Tenochtitlán
- Se organizaba en tribus / One was organizing in tribes
- Su economía era del maíz / His economy was of the maize
- Realizaban sacrificios humanos / They realized human sacrifices
- Cobraban tributos y esclavizaban a los pueblos vecinos / They were receiving taxes and were enslaving the neighboring peoples
- La religión
- Su principal dios era Quetzalcóatl (la serpiente halada) dios creador que enseño la agricultura / His principal god was A Quetzalcóatl (the pulled serpent) creative god that I teach the agriculture
- Consideraron a Hernán Cortés un enviado de los dioses / They considered Hernán Cortés to be an envoy of the gods.