The Schliefen Plan and why it failed


Mindmap am The Schliefen Plan and why it failed, erstellt von Marcus Roe am 22/05/2016.
Marcus Roe
Mindmap von Marcus Roe, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marcus Roe
Erstellt von Marcus Roe vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Schliefen Plan and why it failed
  1. Balance
    1. The British Expeditionary Force slowed the Germans down with the help of the French and the Belgians
      1. Especially at the battle of Marne
        1. The BEF had 100,000 very highly trained soldiers which helped...a lot
    2. BEER
      1. Eastern Force.
        1. The German's expected the Russians to mobilise in 6 weeks but they were ready in 10 days.
          1. This did not help the balance of the soldiers near Paris and they had to divert to fight off the Russians
            1. ON 2 FRONTS
        2. EXHAUSTED
          1. The Germans did not use any transport and marched on foot at about 30km a day
          2. RESISTANCE
            1. As the Belgians were neutral, the Germans thought that the Belgians would not fight.... But they did. They slowed the German advance to Paris massively.
              1. Famous battles include: Marne, Namur, Mons, Liége.
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