Fatigue/Thermoregulation and dehydration


Mindmap am Fatigue/Thermoregulation and dehydration, erstellt von megan.rawlins am 16/02/2014.
Mindmap von megan.rawlins, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von megan.rawlins vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Fatigue/Thermoregulation and dehydration
  1. Causes of Fatigue
    1. Dehydration
      1. Depletion of fuels
        1. Energy Sources
          1. Glycogen,fat, PC
          2. Build up of LA
            1. OBLA
            2. Depletion of Calcium
              1. Depletion of acetylcholine
                1. Messages from nerve impulses
              2. Thermoregulation
                1. Heat produced through muscle contractions
                  1. Everytime you excercise body heat rise
                    1. Metabolism slows down
                      1. Core body temp rises
                        1. Regulates temperature from brain (TRCC in medula oblongata
                          1. Surface of skin vasodialates
                            1. Start to sweat
                              1. Thermoregulation- keeping body temp maintained within certain boundaries
                              2. Dehydration
                                1. Water is lost through sweat
                                  1. Has an effect on blood flow
                                    1. loss of electrolytes such as calcium
                                      1. Blood viscosity increases and blood pressure reduces
                                        1. Performer unable to meet demands of environment
                                        2. How to offset fatigue
                                          1. Glycogen loading
                                            1. Training
                                              1. Water Balance + Electrolyte balance
                                                1. Supplements
                                                  1. Creatine monohyde
                                                    1. Bicarbonate soda
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