Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Outline and evaluate genetic factors in
aggressive behaviour
- AO2
- Coccaro only indicates a possible component as they
can’t find a specific gene or mechanism by which
environment could overcome the predisposition
- Miles & Carey ’97
- Meta-analysis of 24 twin adoption studies
that support genetic basis. Most relied on self
report, so issues with social desirability etc.
- Rhee & Waldman ’02
- Meta-analysis of 51 studies. Aggression &
antisocial behaviour is mostly due to
genes, but can be influenced by age etc.
- Young et al ’02
- Researchers claim to have found a mutation of genes
that causes extreme violence in mice. A human
equivalent does exist, but not enough research has
been carried out to form a causal relationship yet.
- Methodology: many studies don’t
consider if the crime is violent or
not. They also don’t consider if the
violence is habitual
- AO1
- Coccaro ‘97
- Aggression in adult
twins was studied.
50% of direct
aggression could be
due to genes
- Hutchings &
Mednick ’75
- Looked at 14,000 Danish adoptions of
boys with criminal convictions.
Significant number of those boys’
biological fathers also had convictions
- Montreal University
- 667 mono & dizygotic twin pairs. Mothers
asked to rate aggression (e.g. kicking,
hitting) at 20,32 & 50 months old.
Supported genetic maturation hypothesis
as environment has short term effect
whilst genes have a long term effect.
Supports idea that people learn
alternatives to aggression as they age
- Brunner ’93
- Dutch family, many men were
violent, had faulty MAOA gene
which regulates metabolism of
serotonin. Low MAOA = ↑ impulsivity
- Caspi ’02
- 500 boys had low MAOA, ↑ likely to grow
up & be anti-social only if maltreated as
children. Shows interaction between
environment and genes
- Brenan & Mednick ’93
- Genetic influence important on
property crime but not violent
crime in adopted kids
- Animal studies
- Might be unethical but can allow
more in depth research on
specific genes in the mice, which
have an equivalent in humans
- Real life application
- It's been suggested that those with
genetic dispositions to violence
could be genetically engineered to
remove the 'threat' of their
violence, however this is very