Zusammenfassung der Ressource
LTM and the very big picture
- Intrduction
- The purpose is to show how the teaching materials are
connected with social and historical context
where these occur
- How the materials development has been a
reflex action to social developments which
occur beyond the classrooms
- Materials is cultural an artefact
- Social context
- commercial purposes
- can be seen as potentially
resonating in tune with social
forces according whit Marxist
- Commercial purpose
- Materials are propositions for actions in classroom
workplans. Breen (1987)
- Historical review - ELT Materials
- 1950 - 60´s (Cold war)
- Technological developments to achieve control
- technical language
- Scientific approach
- Behaviourism
- Drills, substitution tables etc.
- The late 1960´s to the late 1970's
- Alternative ways to do things
- Flower power
Love generation
DIY (Do It Yourself)
- Humanistic Methodologies
- Silent way (Gattegno, 1972)
Suggestopedia (Lozanov, 1978)
Caring and Sharing in the foreing
langguage class (Moskowitz, 1978
- Language
acquisition theory
Krashen´s Input
- Recreate the conditions of our linguistic infacy
- The 1970's to the mid 1980
- Embourgeoisement
(Goldthorpe, 1963, 1978)
- Development of economies with working class populations
- Individualism
- Linguistic wants and needs
- Special purposes
- Syllabus design
- students have their own
styles and strategies
- Social moves
- Recognition of cultures
- Communicative Language Teaching
- The mid 1980s onwards
- Centralised and standardised view of language teaching
- Commercial publishing
- contemporary post-industrial society
- McDonalization
- Colonising social areas
- Teacher training
- Secuenences to be followed on the classroom
- secuences of books
- environments of consumption.
- Neo-lieberalism
- US interest of bussiness
- atomisation
- monetisation