Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Beyond "Culture": Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference
- Problems raised by the implicit mapping of cultures onto places
- What is "the culture" of border inhabitants?
- Disjunction of place and culture
- Cultural differences within a locality
- Plurality of cultures within the framework of a national identity
- Link between identity and place
- Question of postcolonialty
- Where do the hybrid cultures belong?
- Cultural and social
- Rethinking difference through connection
- Space achieves identity as a place
- Fredrich Jameson "Postmodern hyperspace"
- Transnational
- New forms of cultural difference and imagining community
- Reterritorialization of space
- Deterritorialization of
- Edward Said "a generalized condition of homelessness"
- Lines between "here" and "there" become blurred
- Breaking of the connection btw. place and culture
- Imagined communities (Anderson 1983)
- The experience of space is socially
- Challenging two naturalisms (Malkki)
- Analyses of nationalism
- Cultural
- Identity of the "We" = "The West"
- Processes of production of difference
- Power relations
- Task of denaturalizing cultural and spacial devisions
- Spaces and places are made (sociopolitical construction)
- Critique of the anthrop. cult of the "Bushman" (Wilmsen 1989)
- Kalahari was not isolated
- Requestioning of the spatial assumptions in concepts such as "culture", "society", "community" and "nation"
- Reconceptualization of
- "Cultural dominant" (Jameson 1984)
- "Cultural style" (Ferguson 1997)
- "The uncanny of cultural difference" (Bhabha 1989)