Geography - Unit 1A


The Earth - plate tectonics Sources - GCSE Geography AQA A Specification - Revision (For those who prefer it in a mind map or don't have a revision guide)
Mindmap von NicoleCMB, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von NicoleCMB vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Geography - Unit 1A
  1. The basics
    1. Here is a diagram of the Earth...
      1. The Inner Core is a solid ball of iron and nickel. The Outer Core is molten rock (as well as the Mantle)
        1. The Earth's crust is very thin (aprox. 20 km)
        2. The three types of plate margin.
          1. Here is a diagram of a Destuctive plate margin...
            1. Destructive plate margins are where two plates are moving towards each other. When a oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, the denser plate (oceanic plate) is pushed down and destroyed in the mantle and usually creates an ocean trench. When two continental plates collide, no crust is destroyed although this is sometimes where mountains are created.
            2. Here is a diagram of a Constructive plate margin...
              1. Construction margins are where two plates are moving away from each other causing magma to rise from the cracks and when it cools, new crust is formed.
              2. Here is a diagram of a Conservative plate margin...
                1. Conservative plate margins are where two plates are moving sideways past each other or moving in the same direction but at different speeds. Here, no crust is made nor destroyed.
                2. Continental Crust - thinker and less dense.
              3. Fold Mountains
                1. How are they made?
                  1. Fold mountains are created when tectonic plates collide. The sedimentary rocks that have built up between them are folded and forces upwards to form mountains.
                  2. Where are they found?
                    1. Fold mountains are found at destructive plate margins and places where they used to be. You can also get them where continental and oceanic plates collide as well as where two continental plates collide.
                    2. How humans use fold mountains...
                      1. Farming
                        1. Higher mountain slopes are used to graze animals as they are terrible for growing crops. Low slopes are used for growing crops and steep slopes are sometimes terraced to make growing crops easier.
                        2. Mining
                          1. Mining is great as the fold mountains produce plenty of metal ores. Steep slopes are not very easy to mine so roads are carved into the sides of them to get around easily.
                          2. Hydro-Electric Power
                            1. Steeps sides and high rivers make fold mountains ideal for generating electricity using massive dams with turbines that spin as the water pours through.
                            2. Tourism
                              1. Many tourists come here for winter skiing and snowboarding as well as summer hikes and camping. There are some tunnels in the fold mountains - carved to make the straight and fast roads available. With these communications, many more people are aware of the beautiful scenery available here.
                              2. Forestry
                                1. Fold mountains are really good for growing certain types of trees such as conifers. They are grown on steep slopes and are used for building, fires, paper, furniture and fuel.
                              3. Case Study - Click here for a case study!


                              4. Flash Cards


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