Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Social Conflict Theory
- Conflict promotes crime
by creating a social
atmosphere in which the
law is a mechanism for
controlling dissatisfied,
have-not members of
society while the wealthy
maintain their power.
- Crime is a political
concept designed to
protect the power and
position of the upper
classes at the expense
of the poor.
- Founded by Karl Marx.
- The Social Reality of Crime - Richard Quinney
proclaimed that in contemporary society, criminal law
represents the interests of those who hold power in
society. He formulated several basic principles that
inform the relationship between law, power, and
crime: Where there is conflict between social
groups—the wealthy and the poor—those who hold
power will create laws that benefit themselves and
keep rivals in check. Law is not an abstract body of
rules that represents an objective moral code. Rather,
law is an integral part of society, a force that
represents a way of life, and a method of doing things.
Crime is a function of power relations and an
inevitable result of social conflict. Criminals are not
simply social misfits but people who have come up
short in the struggle for success and are seeking
alternative means of achieving wealth, status, or even
- Supranational criminology
- the study of war crimes,
crimes against humanity,
and the supranational
penal system in which
such crimes are
prosecuted and tried.
- State organised crime - acts
defined by law as criminal and
committed by state officials, both
elected or appointed, while
holding their positions as
government representatives.
- Political corruption - State
crimes can involve
violation of citizen trust
through soliciting bribes
(usually money or some
other economic benefit,
such as a gift or service).
- Illegal Domestic
Surveillance - This
occurs when government
agents listen in on
telephone conversations
or intercept emails
without proper approval
in order to stifle dissent
and monitor political
- Human Rights Violations -
Some governments,
routinely deny their citizens
basic civil rights, holding
them without trial and using
"disappearances" and
summary executions to rid
themselves of political
- State–Corporate Crime
- This type of state
crime is committed by
individuals who abuse
their state authority or
who fail to exercise it
when working with
people and
organizations in the
private sector.
- State Violence - Sometimes
governments engage in violence
to maintain their power over
dissident groups. An army of
police officers may form death
squads — armed vigilante
groups that kill suspected
political opponents or other
- As more people are thrust outside
the economic mainstream—a
condition referred to as
marginalization —a larger portion of
the population is forced to live in
areas conducive to crime. Once
people are marginalized, commitment
to the system declines, producing
another criminogenic force: a
weakened bond to society.
- Globalisation - refers to
the process of creating
transnational markets and
political and legal systems.
Globalization has replaced
imperialism and
colonization as a new form
of economic domination
and oppression.
- Threats from globalisation - Growing global dominance and the reach of the
free-market capitalist system, which disproportionately benefits wealthy and
powerful organizations and individuals. Increasing vulnerability of indigenous
peoples with a traditional way of life to the forces of globalised capitalism. Growing
influence and impact of international financial institutions (such as the World Bank).
The relative decline in the power of local or state-based institutions. Nondemocratic
operation of international financial institutions
- Marginalization —a
larger portion of the
population is forced to
live in areas
conducive to crime
- U.S. authorities
have condoned
harsh interrogation
techniques that
combine physical
and psychological
tactics, including
waterboarding, and
exposure to extreme
- Instrumental theory - the law and justice system serves the
powerful and rich and enables them to impose their morality
and standards of behavior on the entire society. Under the
capitalist system, the poor are driven to crime because
frustration naturally exists in a society in which affluence is well
publicized but unattainable.
- According to instrumental theory Criminological theories that
focus on family structure, intelligence, peer relations, and
school performance keep the lower classes servile by showing
why they are more criminal, less intelligent, and more prone to
school failure and family problems than the middle class.
- structural theory ,
the law is designed
to keep the system
efficiently, and
anyone, worker or
owner, who rocks
the boat is
targeted for
- Critical criminologists rarely use standard social science
methodologies to test their views because many believe the traditional
approach of measuring research subjects is antihuman and
- Research by Albert Meehan and Michael Ponder found that police
are more likely to use racial profiling to stop black motorists as they
travel farther into the boundaries of predominantly white
- Both white and black offenders have
been found to receive stricter
sentences if their personal
characteristics (single, young, urban,
male) show them to be members of
the "dangerous classes."
- Left realism - Approach that sees crime as a function of
relative depravation under capitalism and favours
pragmatic community based crime prevention and control.
- Street criminals prey on the
poor and disenfranchised, thus
making the poor doubly abused,
first by the capitalist system and
then by members of their own
- The left realists wish, however, that police would reduce
their use of force and increase their sensitivity to the public.
- Preemptive deterrence is an approach in which community
organization efforts eliminate or reduce crime before police
involvement becomes necessary. The reasoning behind this
approach is that if the number of marginalized youths (those
who feel they are not part of society and have nothing to lose
by committing crime) could be reduced, then delinquency rates
would decline.
- Critical feminist theory - views gender inequality
as stemming from the unequal power of men and
women in a capitalist society, which leads to the
exploitation of women by fathers and husbands.
Under this system, women are considered a
commodity worth possessing, much like land or
- James Messerschmidt argues that capitalist society is
marked by both patriarchy and class conflict. Capitalists
control the labor of workers, and men control women both
economically and biologically. This "double marginality"
explains why females in a capitalist society commit fewer
crimes than males. Because they are isolated in the family,
they have fewer opportunities to engage in elite deviance
(white-collar and economic crimes).
- Because capitalism renders lower-class women
powerless, they tend to commit less serious, nonviolent,
self-destructive crimes, such as abusing drugs.
- Women's victimization rates decline as they are
empowered socially, economically, and legally.
- Power-control theory
- John Hagan's view is that crime and delinquency rates
are a function of two factors: (1) class position (power)
and (2) family functions (control).
- In paternalistic families , fathers
assume the traditional role of
breadwinners, while mothers tend
to have menial jobs or remain at
home to supervise domestic
matters. Within the paternalistic
home, mothers are expected to
control the behavior of their
daughters, while granting greater
freedom to sons.
- In egalitarian families
—those in which the
husband and wife share
similar positions of power at
home and in the
workplace—daughters gain a
kind of freedom that reflects
reduced parental control.
These families produce
daughters whose
law-violating behavior mirrors
their brothers'.
- Peacemaking criminology - the main
purpose of criminology is to promote a
peaceful, just society. a key avenue for
preventing crime is, in the short run,
diminishing the suffering poverty
causes and, in the long run, embracing
social policies that reduce the
prevalence of economic suffering in
contemporary society.
- restorative justice -
Using humanistic, non
punitive strategies to
restore social harmony.