

History (1924 - 53) Mindmap am Stalin, erstellt von charlotte151996 am 25/04/2013.
Mindmap von charlotte151996, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von charlotte151996 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Background
    1. Born into a family of Georgian peasants in Gorgi 1879.
      1. Educated in a local religious school as parents wanted him to be a Priest.
        1. Continued education in Tbilisi. Here Stalin converted to Marxism.
        2. Joined Communist party in 1902, and in 1912 became a member of the Central Committee.
          1. Continually in trouble with the Police - raiding banks for funds for the party.
            1. Exiled to Siberia (escaped 5 times).
        3. Revolutionary Record
          1. Role during Oct. Revolution was that of a Committee member.
            1. Carried out orders of others rather than taking initiative.
            2. 1921 - presence on many senior committees secured him a position at the highest level of government.
            3. Relationship with Lenin
              1. Lenin relied on Stalin's adminastration and loyalty.
                1. Prior to Lenin's illness - Stalin was careful to back him on controversial issues.
                  1. Lenin highly critical of Stalin in his Testament.
                    1. Find way to remove Stalin.
                      1. Find someone more tolerant, loyal, polite and considerate.
                    2. Lenin last essay 'Better fewer, but better'
                      1. Critical of Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate - Stalin was head.
                        1. Recognised, along with Trotsky, 'most able' figures of the Central Committee.
                      2. Appeal within Party
                        1. Had power to advance careers as a result of many bureaucratic positions.
                          1. Unlike Trotsy and Bukharin, appeared to be voice of calm moderation.
                            1. Prepared to appeal for the national pride of thoses he sought to lead.
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