Zusammenfassung der Ressource
PORTFOLIO 5th evaluation
- Reported speech
- direct speech
- Javier: “this class is boring”
- indirect speech
- Javier told me that he were bored
- taks
- Change the statements below from
the Direct into Reported Speech. Mind
the word order and the tenses.
- other verbs
- complained
- announced
- explained (to)
- promised
- claimed =say
- exclaimed
- Reported song
- one dance by Drake
- That's why I need a one dance
- reported
- She asked me when the next retake IS
- dicionary corner
- Get, make, receive a phone call
- Send, receive, write, have, get an email
- Send, receive, write, get a text message
- Chat on the internet
- Type on a keyboard
- Hear, have, lisen (to) a conversation
- Chat, talk, speak written, listen to someone
- Type, write, receive, have, get, send
- dicionary corner
- Able ability
- High higher
- Long longer
- Strong stronger
- Believe believer
- Choose choice
- Decide decision
- Describe description
- Explain explanation
- Practise practice
- See sight
- Speak speech
- Think thowt
- deaf sordo
- dumb mudo
- identing
- Social networks (redes socials)
- Networking (usar las redes
- Shaking hands
- Shaking your head
- Nodding your head
- Shrugging your shoulders
- Crossing your fingers